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There are 7 twelve-letter words containing SERO

SEROCONVERTSseroconverts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of seroconvert.
SEROCONVERT v. to produce specific antibodies in response to the presence of an antigen, such as a virus or vaccine.
SERONEGATIVEseronegative adj. (Of blood serum): Testing negative for a given pathogen, especially HIV.
seronegative adj. (Of a person or animal): Having seronegative blood serum.
seronegative n. Such a serum of person.
SEROPOSITIVEseropositive adj. (Of blood serum): Testing positive for a given pathogen, especially HIV (HIV positive).
seropositive adj. (Of a person or animal): Having seropositive blood serum.
seropositive n. A person with that blood.
SEROPURULENTseropurulent adj. That consists of both serum and pus.
SEROPURULENT adj. serum and pus.
SEROTAXONOMYSEROTAXONOMY n. serological analysis as a source of information for taxonomic classification.
SEROTONERGICserotonergic adj. Containing or releasing serotonin.
serotonergic n. That which is serotonergic.
SEROTONERGIC adj. liberating, activated by, or involving serotonin in the transmission of nerve impulses, also SEROTONINERGIC.
SEROUSNESSESSEROUSNESS n. the state of being serous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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