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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing SERI

CHINOISERIESchinoiseries n. Plural of chinoiserie.
CHINOISERIE n. (French) decoration, furniture etc. imitating Chinese design.
CONDENSERIEScondenseries n. Plural of condensery.
CONDENSERY n. a condensed milk-factory.
CYCLOSERINEScycloserines n. Plural of cycloserine.
CYCLOSERINE n. a broad-spectrum antibiotic used esp. in the treatment of tuberculosis.
IMMISERISINGIMMISERISE v. to subject to immiseration, progressive impoverishment or degradation, also IMMISERIZE.
IMMISERIZINGimmiserizing v. Present participle of immiserize.
immiserizing adj. Immiserating.
IMMISERIZE v. to subject to progressive impoverishment or degradation, also IMMISERISE.
JACKASSERIESjackasseries n. Plural of jackassery.
JACKASSERY n. being a jackass.
JAPONAISERIEjaponaiserie n. (Art) Art objects made in the Japanese style.
JAPONAISERIE n. (French) art or craft in the Japanese style.
MISERICORDESmisericordes n. Plural of misericorde.
miséricordes n. Plural of miséricorde.
MISERICORDE n. a bracket on a turn-up seat in a choirstall, allowing the user some support when standing, also MISERICORD.
MULTISERIATEmultiseriate adj. (Botany) Arranged in rows or series.
MULTISERIATE adj. arranged in many rows, also MULTISERIAL.
NONPASSERINEnonpasserine adj. Not passerine.
nonpasserine n. Any bird that is not a passerine.
NONPASSERINE adj. not passerine.
SERICULTURALsericultural adj. Pertaining to sericulture.
SERICULTURAL adj. relating to sericulture.
SERICULTURESsericultures n. Plural of sericulture.
SERICULTURE n. the breeding of silkworms for silk production.
SERIGRAPHERSserigraphers n. Plural of serigrapher.
SERIGRAPHER n. one who makes serigraphs, silkscreen prints.
SERIGRAPHIESserigraphies n. Plural of serigraphy.
SERIGRAPHY n. the making of silkscreen prints.
SERIOCOMICALseriocomical adj. Seriocomic.
SERIOCOMICAL adj. partly serious and partly comic, also SERIOCOMIC.
TRACASSERIESTRACASSERIE n. (French) a state of disturbance or annoyance.
ULTRASERIOUSultraserious adj. Extremely serious.
ULTRASERIOUS adj. extremely serious.
UNISERIATELYuniseriately adv. In a uniseriate manner.
UNISERIATE adv. having one line or series; uniserial.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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