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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing SANT

CONVERSANTLYconversantly adv. In a familiar manner.
CONVERSANT adv. having knowledge or experience.
DISPLEASANTSDISPLEASANT v. to render unpleasing.
INCONVERSANTinconversant adj. Not conversant or acquainted (with something); unfamiliar.
INCONVERSANT adj. not conversant.
MISANTHROPESmisanthropes n. Plural of misanthrope.
MISANTHROPE n. one who hates or distrusts mankind, also MISANTHROPOS.
MISANTHROPICmisanthropic adj. Disliking or hating mankind.
MISANTHROPIC adj. of, relating to, or characteristic of a misanthrope, also MISANTHROPICAL.
MISANTHROPOSMISANTHROPOS n. (Shakespeare) a misanthrope, also MISANTHROPE.
PHEASANTRIESpheasantries n. Plural of pheasantry.
PHEASANTRY n. a place for keeping and rearing pheasants.
PLEASANTNESSpleasantness n. (Uncountable) The state or quality of being pleasant.
pleasantness n. (Countable) Something pleasant.
PLEASANTNESS n. the state of being pleasant.
PLEASANTRIESpleasantries n. Plural of pleasantry.
pleasantries n. A short polite conversation before a serious conversation.
pleasantries n. For bad language as a euphemism.
PRECOGNISANTprecognisant adj. Alternative spelling of precognizant.
PRECOGNISANT adj. having foreknowledge, also PRECOGNIZANT.
SANTALACEOUSsantalaceous adj. (Botany) Relating to the flowering plant family Santalaceae.
SANTALACEOUS adj. belonging to the sandalwood genus Santalum, or sandalwood family Santalaceae.
SUCCESSANTLYsuccessantly adv. (Nonce word, rare) Synonym of successively; in order or succession.
SUCCESSANTLY adv. (Shakespeare) in succession.
SUPPRESSANTSsuppressants n. Plural of suppressant.
SUPPRESSANT n. a drug that tends to suppress or reduce in intensity rather than eliminate something.
TERGIVERSANTTERGIVERSANT n. one who tergiversates.
UNCONVERSANTunconversant adj. Not conversant; unfamiliar, unacquainted.
UNCONVERSANT adj. not conversant.
UNPLEASANTLYunpleasantly adv. In an unpleasant manner.
UNPLEASANT adv. not pleasant.
UNPLEASANTRYunpleasantry n. That which is unpleasant.
unpleasantry n. An unpleasant remark, behaviour, etc.
UNPLEASANTRY n. not a pleasantry.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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