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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing STIV

AESTIVATINGaestivating v. Present participle of aestivate.
aestivating v. Alternative spelling of estivating.
æstivating v. Present participle of æstivate.
AESTIVATIONaestivation n. (Biology) A state of inactivity and metabolic depression during summer: the summer version of hibernation.
aestivation n. (Botany) The arrangement (vernation) of the parts of a flower inside a bud; prefloration.
aestivation n. (Obsolete) The spending or passing of a summer.
AESTIVATORSaestivators n. Plural of aestivator.
AESTIVATOR n. an animal that aestivates, also ESTIVATOR.
COMBUSTIVESCOMBUSTIVE n. something capable of catching fire.
CONTRASTIVEcontrastive adj. Contrasting.
CONTRASTIVE adj. forming or consisting of a contrast.
COSTIVENESScostiveness n. The state or quality of being costive; constipation.
costiveness n. (Obsolete) Inability to express oneself; stiffness.
COSTIVENESS n. constipation.
DIGESTIVELYdigestively adv. In a digestive manner; by means of digestion.
DIGESTIVE adv. related to digestion, also DIGESTANT.
ESTIVATIONSestivations n. Plural of estivation.
ESTIVATION n. the act of spending the summer in a state of torpor, also AESTIVATION.
FESTIVENESSfestiveness n. The quality of being festive; festivity.
FESTIVENESS n. the state of being festive.
FESTIVITIESfestivities n. Plural of festivity.
FESTIVITY n. conviviality, joyfulness.
INDIGESTIVEindigestive adj. Having or relating to indigestion; dyspeptic.
INDIGESTIVE adj. dyspeptic.
LOCORESTIVElocorestive adj. (Rare) Staying in one place.
LOCORESTIVE adj. (Lamb) staying in one place.
RESISTIVELYresistively adv. In a resistive manner.
RESISTIVE adv. serving to resist.
RESISTIVITYresistivity n. (Electricity) The resistance offered at a particular temperature by an electrical conductor of any given…
resistivity n. (Thermodynamics) The reciprocal of thermal conductivity, having SI unit: m K W-1.
RESISTIVITY n. the longitudinal electrical resistance of a uniform rod of unit length and unit cross-sectional area.
RESTIVENESSrestiveness n. The characteristic of being restive.
RESTIVENESS n. the state of being restive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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