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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing SALT

BASALTWARESBASALTWARE n. a hard fine-grained black stoneware.
MISALTERINGmisaltering v. Present participle of misalter.
MISALTER v. to alter wrongly.
OVERSALTINGoversalting v. Present participle of oversalt.
OVERSALT v. to salt to excess.
PSALTRESSESPSALTRESS n. a woman who plays the psaltery.
SALTARELLOSsaltarellos n. Plural of saltarello.
SALTARELLO n. (Italian) a lively Italian dance.
SALTATORIALsaltatorial adj. Relating to leaping; moving by leaps; saltatory.
saltatorial adj. (Zoology) Of or relating to the Saltatoria.
SALTATORIAL adj. pertaining to leaping or dancing; taking place by leaps and bounds.
SALTCELLARSsaltcellars n. Plural of saltcellar.
salt␣cellars n. Plural of salt cellar.
SALTCELLAR n. a small vessel of glass or other material, used for holding salt on the table.
SALTCHUCKERsaltchucker n. (Canada, informal, fishing) Someone who fishes in saltwater.
SALTCHUCKER n. (Canadian) a saltwater angler.
SALTIGRADESsaltigrades n. Plural of saltigrade.
SALTIGRADE n. a kind of jumping spider.
SALTIMBANCOsaltimbanco n. A quack doctor, a fraud.
SALTIMBANCO n. (Italian) a mountebank, a quack.
SALTIMBOCCAsaltimbocca n. An Italian dish of veal, thinly sliced and rolled in prosciutto ham and sage leaves.
SALTIMBOCCA n. (Italian) an Italian dish of rolled slices of meat and ham, with cheese and herbs.
SALTINESSESsaltinesses n. Plural of saltiness.
SALTINESS n. the state of being salty.
SALTIREWISEsaltirewise adv. (Heraldry) In the form of a saltire; crossing diagonally.
SALTIREWISE adv. in the fashion of a saltire.
SALTISHNESSsaltishness n. The quality of being saltish.
SALTISHNESS n. the quality of being saltish.
SALTSHAKERSsaltshakers n. Plural of saltshaker.
salt␣shakers n. Plural of salt shaker.
SALTSHAKER n. a saltcellar.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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