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There are 13 ten-letter words containing SULA

BICAPSULARbicapsular adj. Having two capsules; having a double capsule.
BICAPSULAR adj. of plants, having two capsules or one capsule with two chambers.
CAPSULATEDcapsulated adj. Enclosed in a capsule.
CAPSULATED adj. contained in or made into a capsule, also CAPSULATE.
CONSULAGESconsulages n. Plural of consulage.
CONSULAGE n. (historical) a duty or tax paid by merchants for the protection of their commerce by means of a consul in a foreign place.
CONSULATESconsulates n. Plural of consulate.
CONSULATE n. the post or establishment of a (modern) consul.
GROSSULARSgrossulars n. Plural of grossular.
GROSSULAR n. a garnet containing calcium and aluminium, occurring in grey, pinkish, or yellow-green crystals and used as a gemstone, also GROSSULARITE.
INSULARISMinsularism n. Insular (withdrawn) behavior.
INSULARISM n. the state of being insular, also INSULARITY.
INSULARITYinsularity n. The quality or property of being insular.
INSULARITY n. the state of being insular, also INSULARISM.
INSULATINGinsulating v. Present participle of insulate.
insulating adj. That insulates.
INSULATE v. to isolate from connection.
INSULATIONinsulation n. The act of insulating; detachment from other objects; isolation.
insulation n. The state of being insulated; detachment from other objects; isolation.
insulation n. Any of a variety of materials designed to reduce the flow of heat, either from or into a building.
INSULATIVEinsulative adj. Serving to insulate.
INSULATORSinsulators n. Plural of insulator.
INSULATOR n. a nonconductor of electricity; a device for insulating a conductor.
PENINSULARpeninsular adj. Of, pertaining to, resembling, or connected with a peninsula.
peninsular adj. Exhibiting a narrow provincialism; parochial.
peninsular n. One who inhabits a peninsula.
PENINSULASpeninsulas n. Plural of peninsula.
PENINSULA n. a strip of land jutting out into water, a near-island.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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