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There are 12 ten-letter words containing SUBV

SUBVARIETYsubvariety n. A secondary or subsidiary variety.
subvariety n. (Botany) A rank below that of variety.
SUBVARIETY n. a subordinate variety, or a division of a variety.
SUBVASSALSsubvassals n. Plural of subvassal.
SUBVASSAL n. the vassal of a vassal.
SUBVENTIONsubvention n. A subsidy; provision of financial or other support.
subvention n. (Obsolete) The act of coming under.
subvention n. (Archaic) The act of relieving, as of a burden; support; aid; assistance; help.
SUBVERSALSSUBVERSAL n. the act of subverting.
SUBVERSINGsubversing v. Present participle of subverse.
SUBVERSE v. to overthrow, also SUBVERT.
SUBVERSIONsubversion n. (Obsolete) The act of subverting; overturning; flipping from beneath.
subversion n. The act of overthrowing a government or a ruler; dethronement.
subversion n. The condition of being subverted.
SUBVERSIVEsubversive adj. Intending to subvert, overturn or undermine a government or authority.
subversive n. A radical supporter of political or social revolution.
SUBVERSIVE adj. tending to subvert.
SUBVERTERSsubverters n. Plural of subverter.
SUBVERTER n. one who, or that which, subverts.
SUBVERTINGsubverting v. Present participle of subvert.
SUBVERT v. to destroy completely, also SUBVERSE.
SUBVIRUSESsubviruses n. Plural of subvirus.
SUBVIRUS n. a viral protein smaller than a virus.
SUBVISIBLEsubvisible adj. Below the threshold of visibility.
SUBVISIBLE adj. below the threshold of visibility.
SUBVOCALLYsubvocally adv. In a subvocal manner.
SUBVOCAL adv. of words formed in speech order in the mind with or without (inaudible) movements of the speech organs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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