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There are 15 ten-letter words containing SUBA

SUBACETATEsubacetate n. (Chemistry) An acetate containing an excess of the basic constituent.
SUBACETATE n. an acetate in smaller proportion.
SUBACIDITYsubacidity n. The quality of being subacid.
SUBACIDITY n. the state of being subacid.
SUBACTIONSsubactions n. Plural of subaction.
SUBACTION n. the act of reducing to any state, as of mixing two bodies completely.
SUBACUTELYsubacutely adv. In a subacute way.
SUBACUTE adv. somewhat acute.
SUBAHSHIPSsubahships n. Plural of subahship.
SUBAHSHIP n. the office of a subahdar.
SUBALTERNSsubalterns n. Plural of subaltern.
SUBALTERN n. a person holding a subordinate position; specifically, a junior officer (as in the British army).
SUBANGULARsubangular adj. (Geology) Slightly angular; having rather blunt angles.
SUBANGULAR adj. slightly angular.
SUBAQUATICsubaquatic adj. Located or living under water; submarine.
SUBAQUATIC adj. under water.
SUBAQUEOUSsubaqueous adj. Existing below the water surface.
subaqueous adj. Designed for underwater use.
subaqueous adj. Weak and filtered.
SUBARCTICSsubarctics n. Plural of subarctic.
SUBARCTIC n. the zone just below the arctic circle.
SUBARCUATEsubarcuate adj. Having a figure resembling that of a bow; somewhat curved or arched.
SUBARCUATE adj. somewhat arched; with two or more arches under a main arch.
SUBARTICLEsubarticle n. A part of an article.
SUBARTICLE n. a subordinate article.
SUBATOMICSsubatomics n. The study of physics at a subatomic level.
SUBATOMICS n. the study of subatomic particles.
SUBAUDIBLEsubaudible adj. Below the threshold of hearing.
sub-audible adj. Alternative spelling of subaudible.
SUBAUDIBLE adj. hardly audible.
SUBAVERAGEsubaverage adj. Below average.
subaverage n. (Statistics) A subordinate or local average.
subaverage v. (Statistics) To calculate or otherwise obtain such subordinate averages.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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