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There are 14 ten-letter words containing SOMA

DESMOSOMALdesmosomal adj. Of or pertaining to the desmosome.
DESMOSOMAL adj. relating to a desmosome, a small thickened patch on the membrane of a cell.
DIPSOMANIAdipsomania n. (Pathology) Addiction to alcohol.
dipsomania n. Specifically periodic alcoholism, characterized by bouts of heavy drinking rather than continuous indulgence…
DIPSOMANIA n. an abnormal craving for alcohol.
EPISOMALLYepisomally adv. In an episomal manner.
episomally adv. With regard to an episome.
EPISOMAL adv. of or like an episome, a genetically active particle found in bacteria.
HYDROSOMALhydrosomal adj. Relating to the hydrosoma.
HYDROSOMAL adj. relating to a hydrosoma, a hydroid colony.
METASOMATAMETASOMA n. the posterior part of an arachnid's abdomen.
MICROSOMALmicrosomal adj. Of or pertaining to a microsome.
MICROSOMAL adj. of or like a microsome.
OPSOMANIACOPSOMANIAC n. one who loves a certain kind of food, bordering on madness.
OPSOMANIASOPSOMANIA n. an abnormal love for one kind of food.
RANSOMABLEransomable adj. Suitable for being held for a ransom.
RANSOMABLE adj. such as can be ransomed.
SARCOSOMALsarcosomal adj. Relating to sarcosomes.
SARCOSOMAL adj. of or like a sarcosome.
SOMASCOPESsomascopes n. Plural of somascope.
SOMASCOPE n. an instrument detecting disease of the internal organs by 'echo-sounding' methods and producing images of the diseased tissue on a television screen.
SOMATOLOGYsomatology n. The study of the physical nature of human beings.
SOMATOLOGY n. the science of the properties of matter.
SOMATOTYPEsomatotype n. A particular type of physique; originally, one of the types defined by William Herbert Sheldon: ectomorphic…
somatotype v. (Transitive) To classify (a person) by physical build.
SOMATOTYPE n. a type consisting of a physical build paired with a particular temperament.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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