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There are 15 ten-letter words containing SIMP

DISIMPROVEdisimprove v. (Transitive, rare) to make worse.
disimprove v. (Intransitive, rare) to deteriorate.
disimprove v. (Informal, rare, influenced by the German verb verschlimmbessern) To try to make something better but…
MISIMPROVEmisimprove v. (Transitive, archaic) To use for a bad purpose; to misuse.
MISIMPROVE v. to make worse by would-be improvement.
OVERSIMPLEoversimple adj. Excessively simple; lacking the necessary complexity.
OVERSIMPLE adj. too simple.
OVERSIMPLYoversimply adv. In a way that is too simple; without the necessary detail or complexity.
OVERSIMPLE adv. too simple.
SIMPERINGSsimperings n. Plural of simpering.
SIMPERING n. the act of simpering.
SIMPLENESSsimpleness n. The property of being simple.
SIMPLENESS n. the state of being simple.
SIMPLESSESSIMPLESSE n. (Spenser) simplicity.
SIMPLETONSsimpletons n. Plural of simpleton.
SIMPLETON n. a feebleminded person.
SIMPLICIALsimplicial adj. Having to do with, or having, simplices.
SIMPLICIAL adj. of or relating to simplexes.
SIMPLICITYsimplicity n. The state or quality of being simple.
simplicity n. (Archaic, rare) An act or instance of foolishness.
SIMPLICITY n. the state of being simple.
SIMPLIFIEDsimplified adj. Made more simple; having its complexity reduced.
simplified adj. Relating to simplified Chinese.
simplified v. Simple past tense and past participle of simplify.
SIMPLIFIERsimplifier n. Agent noun of simplify; one who simplifies.
SIMPLIFIER n. something that simplifies.
SIMPLIFIESsimplifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of simplify.
SIMPLIFY v. to make simple.
SIMPLISTESSIMPLISTE n. (French) someone who tends to oversimplify.
SIMPLISTICsimplistic adj. Overly simple.
simplistic adj. In a manner that simplifies a concept or issue so that its nuance and complexity are lost or important…
SIMPLISTIC adj. tending to oversimplify.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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