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There are 14 ten-letter words containing SHAK

ANTISHAKESANTISHAKE n. a system that uses antishake technology.
BONESHAKERboneshaker n. A velocipede (the bicycle of the late 1860s).
boneshaker n. Something jolty.
bone-shaker n. Alternative spelling of boneshaker.
HANDSHAKEShandshakes n. Plural of handshake.
HANDSHAKE n. a shaking of hands in greeting.
HEADSHAKESheadshakes n. Plural of headshake.
HEADSHAKE n. a shake of the head.
MILKSHAKESmilkshakes n. Plural of milkshake.
milk␣shakes n. Plural of milk shake.
MILKSHAKE n. a drink of frothy milk mixed with fruit syrup.
RANSHAKLEDRANSHAKLE v. (Scott) to search, ransack, also RANSHACKLE.
RANSHAKLESRANSHAKLE v. (Scott) to search, ransack, also RANSHACKLE.
SALTSHAKERsaltshaker n. Alternative spelling of salt shaker.
salt␣shaker n. A small container designed to hold salt and facilitate sprinkling it on food for seasoning purposes.
SALTSHAKER n. a saltcellar.
SHAKEDOWNSshakedowns n. Plural of shakedown.
shake-downs n. Plural of shake-down.
SHAKEDOWN n. any makeshift bed, esp. one made up on the floor.
SHAKUHACHIshakuhachi n. (Music) A Japanese flute which is tuned to a pentatonic scale and is end-blown like a recorder instead…
SHAKUHACHI n. (Japanese) a Japanese bamboo flute.
UNSHAKABLEunshakable adj. Not able to be shaken; firm, solid.
unshakable adj. Resolute, unfaltering, unwavering.
unshakable adj. (Figuratively) Having no errors or loopholes; unassailable.
UNSHAKABLYunshakably adv. In an unshakable manner.
UNSHAKABLE adv. that cannot be shaken, also UNSHAKEABLE.
UNSHAKENLYunshakenly adv. Without being shaken.
UNSHAKEN adv. not shaken.
WINDSHAKESwindshakes n. Plural of windshake.
WINDSHAKE n. a flaw in wood said to be due to the bending of the tree in the wind.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 63 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 12 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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