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There are 13 ten-letter words containing SERO

CASSEROLEDcasseroled adj. Cooked in a casserole.
CASSEROLE v. to make a casserole of.
CASSEROLEScasseroles n. Plural of casserole.
CASSEROLE v. to make a casserole of.
HOUSEROOMShouserooms n. Plural of houseroom.
HOUSEROOM n. room or place in a house; as, to give any one houseroom.
PENSEROSOSPENSEROSO n. a pensive, brooding, or thoughtful person.
SEROGROUPSserogroups n. Plural of serogroup.
SEROGROUP n. any group of bacteria or other microorganisms that have a certain antigen in common.
SEROLOGIESserologies n. Plural of serology.
SEROLOGY n. the science of serums.
SEROLOGISTserologist n. One who studies serology.
SEROLOGIST n. one who studies sera.
SEROSITIESserosities n. Plural of serosity.
SEROSITY n. the state of being serous, of or relating to serum.
SEROTINIESSEROTINY n. the condition of having late or gradual seed dispersal.
SEROTINOUSserotinous adj. (Of conifer cones) Requiring the heat of a wildfire to open, in order to disperse its seed.
serotinous adj. (Botany) Appearing or blossoming later in the season than is customary with allied species.
SEROTINOUS adj. flowering late.
SEROTONINSserotonins n. Plural of serotonin.
SEROTONIN n. a compound occurring in the brain, acting as a neurotransmitter.
SEROTYPINGserotyping v. Present participle of serotype.
serotyping n. Classification according to serotype.
SEROTYPING n. assignation to a particular serotype.
SEROUSNESSSEROUSNESS n. the state of being serous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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