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There are 13 ten-letter words containing SALM

PSALMBOOKSpsalmbooks n. Plural of psalmbook.
PSALMBOOK n. a book of psalms.
PSALMODIESpsalmodies n. Plural of psalmody.
PSALMODY n. the use of psalms in worship.
PSALMODISEpsalmodise v. Alternative form of psalmodize.
PSALMODISE v. to practise psalmody, also PSALMODIZE.
PSALMODISTpsalmodist n. One who sings sacred songs; a psalmist.
PSALMODIST n. a singer of psalms.
PSALMODIZEpsalmodize v. (Transitive, intransitive) To practise psalmody.
PSALMODIZE v. to practice psalmody, also PSALMODISE.
SALMAGUNDIsalmagundi n. A food consisting of chopped meat and pickled herring, with oil, vinegar, pepper, and onions.
salmagundi n. Hence, any mixture of various ingredients; an olio or medley; a potpourri; a miscellany.
SALMAGUNDI n. (French) a dish of chopped meat, eggs, anchovies, onions etc., also SALMAGUNDY.
SALMAGUNDYsalmagundy n. Alternative form of salmagundi.
SALMAGUNDY n. (French) a dish of chopped meat, eggs, anchovies, onions etc., also SALMAGUNDI.
SALMANASERSALMANASER n. a large wine bottle containing 2.10 gallons, also SALMANAZAR.
SALMANAZARSalmanazar n. A bottle of champagne or Burgundy wine containing 9 liters of fluid, twelve times the volume of a standard bottle.
SALMANAZAR n. a large wine bottle containing 2.10 gallons, also SALMANASER.
SALMONELLAsalmonella n. Any of the serotypes of the two species of rod-shaped bacteria, of the genus Salmonella, especially…
salmonella n. Food poisoning, especially in humans, caused by such organisms.
Salmonella prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Enterobacteriaceae – the salmonella bacteria.
SALMONIESTSALMONY adj. of or like a salmon.
SALMONOIDSsalmonoids n. Plural of salmonoid.
SALMONOID n. a member of the salmon family, also SALMONID.
SERRASALMOSerrasalmo prop.n. A former piranha genus, now classified under Pygocentrus.
SERRASALMO n. a fish of the piranha genus.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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