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There are 15 nine-letter words containing SUF

SUFFERERSsufferers n. Plural of sufferer.
SUFFERER n. one who suffers.
SUFFERINGsuffering adj. Experiencing pain; characterized by suffering.
suffering n. The condition of someone who suffers; a state of pain or distress.
suffering v. Present participle of suffer.
SUFFICERSsufficers n. Plural of sufficer.
SUFFICER n. one who suffices.
SUFFICINGsufficing v. Present participle of suffice.
SUFFICE v. to be adequate.
SUFFIXINGsuffixing v. Present participle of suffix.
suffixing adj. (Linguistics) Of a language, characterised by heavy use of suffixes to create grammatical forms; as…
suffixing n. The act by which something is suffixed.
SUFFIXIONsuffixion n. The process of adding a suffix to something.
SUFFIXION n. the act of suffixing, or the state of being suffixed.
SUFFLATEDsufflated v. Simple past tense and past participle of sufflate.
SUFFLATE v. (archaic) to inflate.
SUFFLATESsufflates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sufflate.
SUFFLATE v. (archaic) to inflate.
SUFFOCATEsuffocate v. (Ergative) To suffer, or cause someone to suffer, from severely reduced oxygen intake to the body.
suffocate v. (Ergative) To die due to, or kill someone by means of, insufficient oxygen supply to the body.
suffocate v. (Ergative, figuratively) To overwhelm, or be overwhelmed (by a person or issue), as though with oxygen deprivation.
SUFFRAGANsuffragan n. A bishop seen in relation to his archbishop or metropolitan province (Which may summon him for support…
suffragan n. An auxiliary bishop.
SUFFRAGAN n. an assistant bishop; any bishop in relation to his metropolitan.
SUFFRAGESsuffrages n. Plural of suffrage.
SUFFRAGE n. the right to vote.
SUFFUSINGsuffusing v. Present participle of suffuse.
SUFFUSE v. to spread throughout.
SUFFUSIONsuffusion n. (Countable) The act of pouring a liquid over or soaking something.
suffusion n. (Countable) coat, coating, film, plating.
suffusion n. (Uncountable) The state of being wet.
SUFFUSIVEsuffusive adj. Of or relating to suffusion.
SUFFUSIVE adj. relating to suffusion.
USUFRUCTSusufructs n. Plural of usufruct.
USUFRUCT v. to exercise this right.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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