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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing SSW

ASSWAGINGasswaging v. Present participle of asswage.
ASSWAGE v. (obsolete) to make less severe, also ASSUAGE.
BASSWOODSbasswoods n. Plural of basswood.
BASSWOOD n. an American lime-tree or its wood.
BRASSWAREbrassware n. Articles made from brass, treated as a group.
BRASSWARE n. goods made of brass.
CLASSWORKclasswork n. That part of a scholar’s work that is done in class.
CLASSWORK n. work done in class.
CROSSWALKcrosswalk n. (US) A point designated for pedestrians to cross a street.
crosswalk n. (Databases) A mapping between equivalent elements (fields) in different database schemas.
crosswalk v. (Databases) To map equivalent elements (fields) in different database schemas.
CROSSWAYScrossways n. Plural of crossway.
crossways adv. Transversely; crosswise.
CROSSWAY n. a road that crosses another road.
CROSSWINDcrosswind n. A wind blowing across a line of travel.
CROSSWIND n. a wind blowing across one's direction of travel.
CROSSWIREcrosswire n. Crosshair; reticle.
CROSSWIRE n. either of the two fine mutually perpendicular lines or wires that cross in the focal plane of a theodolite, gunsight, or other optical instrument and are used to define the line of sight, also CROSSHAIR.
CROSSWISEcrosswise adj. Crossing; lying across.
crosswise adv. Transversely; so as to lie across.
cross-wise adj. Alternative form of crosswise.
CROSSWORDcrossword n. (Games, puzzles) A word puzzle in which interlocking words are entered usually horizontally and vertically…
crossword n. (Informal, by extension) The grid of such a puzzle.
CROSSWORD n. a type of puzzle in which a square with blank spaces is to be filled with letters.
CROSSWORTcrosswort n. Crucianella stylosa, an ornamental plant.
crosswort n. Cruciata laevipes, the smooth bedstraw.
crosswort n. Lysimachia quadrifolia, a herbaceous plant of North America.
CUSSWORDScusswords n. Plural of cussword.
cuss␣words n. Plural of cuss word.
CUSSWORD n. a swearword.
GLASSWAREglassware n. Articles made from glass, especially drinking glasses, jugs and other tableware made of glass.
GLASSWARE n. ware, or articles collectively, made of glass.
GLASSWORKglasswork n. The manufacturing of glass or glassware.
glasswork n. Glassware.
GLASSWORK n. articles or ornamentation made of glass.
GLASSWORMglassworm n. A phantom midge larva in the family Chaoboridae, which lives in freshwater and is nearly transparent.
glassworm n. An arrow worm in the phylum Chaetognatha, part of the marine zooplankton.
GLASSWORM n. the larva of a gnat.
GLASSWORTglasswort n. Any plant of the salt-tolerant genus Salicornia, once burned to produce the ash used to make soda glass.
glasswort n. Other salt-tolerant plants, especially those used to produce such ash.
glasswort n. Other salt-tolerant plants, called samphire.
GUESSWORKguesswork n. An estimate, judgment or opinion made by guessing, from limited information.
guess-work n. Alternative form of guesswork.
GUESSWORK n. the process or result of guessing.
PASSWORDSpasswords n. Plural of password.
passwords v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of password.
pass-words n. Plural of pass-word.
PRESSWORKpresswork n. The operation of a printing press.
presswork n. Printed material.
presswork n. (Metalwork) The act or process of pressing or drawing with dies or presses; or the product of such work.
SASSWOODSsasswoods n. Plural of sasswood.
SASSWOOD n. the bark of a West African leguminous tree, used by the natives as an ordeal poison, also SASSYWOOD.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 56 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 23 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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