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There are 19 nine-letter words containing SIP

BASIPETALbasipetal adj. (Botany) That develops, matures or opens from the apex towards the base in sequence.
BASIPETAL adj. produced in succession towards the base.
DESIPIENTdesipient adj. Foolish; silly; trifling.
DESIPIENT adj. playing the fool; trifling.
DISSIPATEdissipate v. (Transitive) To drive away, disperse.
dissipate v. (Transitive) To use up or waste; squander.
dissipate v. (Intransitive) To vanish by dispersion.
FISSIPEDEfissipede n. Alternative form of fissiped.
FISSIPEDE adj. with digits separate.
FISSIPEDE n. a fissipede animal, also FISSIPED.
FISSIPEDSfissipeds n. Plural of fissiped.
FISSIPED n. an animal having separate digits, also FISSIPEDE.
GOSSIPERSgossipers n. Plural of gossiper.
GOSSIPER n. one that gossips, also GOSSIPPER.
GOSSIPIERgossipier adj. Comparative form of gossipy: more gossipy.
GOSSIPY adj. full of, or given to, gossip.
GOSSIPINGgossiping v. Present participle of gossip.
gossiping n. Act of making a gossip.
GOSSIPING adj. telling idle or malicious tales.
GOSSIPPEDgossipped v. Simple past tense and past participle of gossip.
GOSSIP v. to talk idly about others' affairs.
GOSSIPPERgossipper n. Alternative spelling of gossiper.
GOSSIPPER n. one who gossips, also GOSSIPER.
INSIPIDERinsipider adj. Comparative form of insipid: more insipid.
INSIPID adj. dull and uninteresting.
INSIPIDLYinsipidly adv. In an insipid manner.
INSIPID adv. dull and uninteresting.
INSIPIENTinsipient adj. Foolish; lacking wisdom; stupid.
INSIPIENT adj. wanting wisdom; foolish.
SIPHONAGEsiphonage n. The action of a siphon.
SIPHONAGE n. the action of a siphon, also SYPHONAGE.
SIPHONATEsiphonate adj. Having a siphon or siphons.
siphonate adj. (Zoology) Belonging to the Siphonata.
SIPHONATE adj. having a siphon or siphons.
SIPHONETSsiphonets n. Plural of siphonet.
SIPHONET n. an aphid's honeydew tube.
SIPHONINGsiphoning v. Present participle of siphon.
SIPHON v. (Greek) to draw off through a tube, also SYPHON.
SIPHUNCLEsiphuncle n. (Zoology) A strand of tissue passing longitudinally through the shell of a cephalopod, used primarily…
siphuncle n. A nectary.
SIPHUNCLE n. the tube which runs through the partitions of chambered cephalopod shells.
TARSIPEDSTARSIPED n. a marsupial of the genus Tarsipes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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