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There are 19 nine-letter words containing SHM

ABASHMENTabashment n. The state of being abashed; embarrassment from shame.
ABASHMENT n. the state of being abashed.
BASHMENTSbashments n. Plural of bashment.
BASHMENT n. a large gathering for a Caribbean dance or party.
BRUSHMARKbrushmark n. (Painting) A visible mark on a painted surface left by the bristles of a paintbrush.
BRUSHMARK n. an indented line left by a brush.
BUSHMEATSbushmeats n. Plural of bushmeat.
BUSHMEAT n. meat from animals native to African forests.
CASHMEREScashmeres n. Plural of cashmere.
CASHMERE n. a soft twilled fabric made of fine goat's wool, also CASIMERE, CASIMIRE, CASSIMERE, KASHMIR, KERSEYMERE.
FISHMEALSfishmeals n. Plural of fishmeal.
FISHMEAL n. ground dried fish.
FLESHMENTfleshment n. (Obsolete) The act of fleshing, or the excitement attending a successful beginning.
FLESHMENT n. (Shakespeare) the act of fleshing, or the excitement attending a successful beginning.
HASHMARKShashmarks n. Plural of hashmark.
hash␣marks n. Plural of hash mark.
HASHMARK n. a proofreading symbol #.
MUSHMOUTHmushmouth n. (Rare, slang) Someone who has a muffled or otherwise unclear voice.
MUSHMOUTH n. (US) a person who slurs or mumbles in speaking.
PASHMINASpashminas n. Plural of pashmina.
PASHMINA n. (Persian) a shawl made from pashm, the fine under-fleece of the goats of North India.
PESHMERGApeshmerga n. A term used by Kurds to refer to armed Kurdish fighters.
peshmerga n. The official name of the military forces of Iraqi Kurdistan.
PESHMERGA n. the military forces of the autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan.
SHMALTZESSHMALTZ n. (Yiddish) excessive sentimentality, also SCHMALTZ, SCHMALZ.
SHMEARINGshmearing v. Present participle of shmear.
SHMEAR v. (Yiddish) to bribe.
SHMEERINGshmeering v. Present participle of shmeer.
SHMOOSINGshmoosing v. Present participle of shmoose.
SHMOOSE v. (Yiddish) to chat in a friendly way, also SCHMOOS, SCHMOOSE, SCHMOOZ, SCHMOOZE, SHMOOZE.
SHMOOZERSSHMOOZER n. one who shmoozes, also SCHMOOZER.
SHMOOZIERSHMOOZY adj. given to shmoozing, gossipy, also SCHMOOZY.
SHMOOZINGshmoozing v. Present participle of shmooze.
SHMUCKIERSHMUCKY adj. foolish, contemptible.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 82 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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