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There are 12 nine-letter words containing SEF

CASEFYINGcasefying v. Present participle of casefy.
CASEFY v. to become or make cheese-like.
CEASEFIREceasefire n. Alternative spelling of cease-fire.
cease-fire n. In warfare, an agreed end to hostilities for a specific purpose. (Typically only temporary).
cease␣fire phr. (Military) Stop engaging in hostile acts, particularly those involving firearms. A command that troops…
EASEFULLYeasefully adv. In an easeful way.
EASEFUL adv. full of ease; restful.
FALSEFACEfalseface n. A mask covering the face.
false␣face n. (Obsolete) A mask.
FALSEFACE n. a mask.
GOOSEFISHgoosefish n. An anglerfish of the family Lophiidae.
GOOSEFISH n. an American fish, the anglerfish.
GOOSEFOOTgoosefoot n. Any of many flowering plants, of the subfamily Chenopodioideae, having small greenish flowers.
GOOSEFOOT n. a genus of herbs, mostly annual weeds.
HOUSEFULShousefuls n. Plural of houseful.
HOUSEFUL n. as much as a house can hold.
MUSEFULLYmusefully adv. In a museful manner, musingly, pensively.
MUSEFUL adv. meditative; thoughtfully silent.
PRAISEFULpraiseful adj. Praiseworthy.
praiseful adj. Full of praise for others.
PRAISEFUL adj. praiseworthy.
PURSEFULSpursefuls n. Plural of purseful.
PURSEFUL n. enough to fill a purse.
REPOSEFULreposeful adj. Providing repose, restful.
reposeful adj. Having an appearance of repose, peaceful.
REPOSEFUL adj. restful.
ROSEFINCHrosefinch n. Any of the birds in the genus Carpodacus of the finch family.
ROSEFINCH n. any of various finches found in Europe and Asia, the males more or less covered with red or pink plumage.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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