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There are 16 eight-letter words containing SUD

BUTSUDANbutsudan n. A Buddhist shrine, comprising a wooden cabinet with doors that enclose and protect a religious icon.
BUTSUDAN n. (Japanese) a small Buddhist household altar.
OVERSUDSoversuds v. (Transitive) To cause (a washing machine) to fill with too much suds.
OVERSUDS v. to form an excessive amount of suds.
SOAPSUDSsoapsuds n. Alternative spelling of soap suds.
soap␣suds n. Lather, suds, foam produced by soap in water.
SOAPSUDS n. soapy water.
SUDAMENSSUDAMEN n. (Latin) a whitish vesicle due to the retention of sweat in the sweat ducts or under the skin.
SUDAMINAsudamina n. Plural of sudamen.
SUDAMEN n. (Latin) a whitish vesicle due to the retention of sweat in the sweat ducts or under the skin.
SUDARIESsudaries n. Plural of sudary.
SUDARY n. a cloth for wiping the face, also SUDARIUM.
SUDARIUMsudarium n. (Archaic or historical) A napkin or handkerchief.
SUDARIUM n. (Latin) a cloth for wiping the face, also SUDARY.
SUDATINGsudating v. Present participle of sudate.
SUDATE v. to sweat.
SUDATIONsudation n. Perspiration; sweat (fluid).
sudation n. (Physiology) The process of perspiring.
SUDATION n. excessive sweating.
SUDATORYsudatory n. A sudatorium; a hot room used to induce sweating.
sudatory adj. Sweating; perspiring.
SUDATORY n. a hot-air bath for inducing sweating.
SUDDENLYsuddenly adv. Happening quickly and with little or no warning; in a sudden manner.
SUDDEN adv. without warning, also SODAIN, SODAINE.
SUDDENTYsuddenty n. (Scotland) suddenness; a sudden.
SUDDENTY n. (Scots) suddenness.
SUDOROUSsudorous adj. (Obsolete) Consisting of sweat.
SUDOROUS adj. sweaty.
SUDSIESTsudsiest adj. Superlative form of sudsy: most sudsy.
SUDSY adj. full of suds.
SUDSLESSsudsless adj. Free from suds.
SUDSLESS adj. without suds.
TRANSUDEtransude v. To pass through a pore, membrane or interstice.
TRANSUDE v. to pass through a membrane.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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