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There are 14 eight-letter words containing SEF

CASEFIEDcasefied v. Simple past tense and past participle of casefy.
CASEFY v. to become or make cheese-like.
CASEFIEScasefies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of casefy.
CASEFY v. to become or make cheese-like.
HORSEFLYhorsefly n. Any of several medium to large flies, of the family Tabanidae, that suck the blood of mammals (not to…
horse-fly n. Alternative form of horsefly.
horse␣fly n. Alternative spelling of horsefly.
HOUSEFLYhousefly n. Any fly regularly found in human dwellings.
HOUSEFLY n. a common fly.
HOUSEFULhouseful n. As many as a house will hold.
HOUSEFUL n. as much as a house can hold.
MENSEFULmenseful adj. (UK dialectal, Northern England, Scotland) decorous; mannerly; respectful and worth of respect.
MENSEFUL adj. (Scots) decorous, graceful.
NOISEFULnoiseful adj. (Obsolete) Loud; clamorous.
NOISEFUL adj. full of noise.
PAUSEFULpauseful adj. (Poetic) Full of pauses; slow and irregular.
PAUSEFUL adj. full of pauses.
PURSEFULpurseful n. As much as a purse can hold.
PURSEFUL n. enough to fill a purse.
ROSEFISHrosefish n. Alternative form of rose fish.
rose␣fish n. A large marine food fish, Sebastes norvegicus, that lives off the North Atlantic coasts of Europe and North America.
ROSEFISH n. a large marine food fish, aka bergylt.
SENSEFULsenseful adj. (Now rare) Full of sense; meaningful; significant.
senseful adj. (Archaic) Full of (common) sense; sensible; intelligent.
SENSEFUL adj. full of sense; reasonable.
UNUSEFULunuseful adj. Not useful; useless.
UNUSEFUL adj. not useful.
USEFULLYusefully adv. In a useful manner; in a way that achieves something.
USEFUL adv. serving a purpose.
VASEFULSvasefuls n. Plural of vaseful.
VASEFUL n. the contents of a vase.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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