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There are 17 eight-letter words containing SAF

MORTSAFEmortsafe n. (Scotland) An iron frame constructed over a grave as a protection against resurrectionists.
MORTSAFE n. a heavy iron cage placed over the grave of a newly buried person to deter body snatchers.
SAFARIEDsafaried v. Simple past tense and past participle of safari.
SAFARI v. to go on a hunting expedition.
SAFARISTsafarist n. One who goes on safari.
SAFARIST n. a person who goes on safari.
SAFENESSsafeness n. The property of being safe.
SAFENESS n. the quality of being safe.
SAFETIEDsafetied v. Simple past tense and past participle of safety.
safetied adj. (Firearms) On which the safety mechanism is engaged.
SAFETY v. to protect against failure, breakage or accident.
SAFETIESsafeties n. Plural of safety.
safeties v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of safety.
SAFETY v. to protect against failure, breakage or accident.
SAFFIANSsaffians n. Plural of saffian.
SAFFIAN n. (Russian) a brightly-coloured goatskin or sheepskin leather.
SAFFRONSsaffrons n. Plural of saffron.
saffrons v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of saffron.
SAFFRON n. a flowering plant; its dried stigmas used as a spice and a dye.
SAFFRONYsaffrony adj. Resembling saffron, especially in having a yellowish color.
SAFFRONY adj. having a colour somewhat like saffron.
SAFRANINsafranin n. A biological stain used in histology and cytology.
SAFRANIN n. the yellow colouring matter in saffron; a coal tar derivative which dyes yellowish red, also SAFRANINE.
SAFROLESsafroles n. Plural of safrole.
SAFROLE n. a colourless oily liquid obtained from sassafras and used in perfumes, soaps etc., also SAFROL.
SAFRONALSAFRONAL n. a spicy-tasting chemical constituent of saffron.
UNSAFELYunsafely adv. In an unsafe way; without regard to safety; carelessly.
UNSAFE adv. not safe.
UNSAFESTunsafest adj. Superlative form of unsafe: most unsafe.
UNSAFE adj. not safe.
UNSAFETYunsafety n. Lack of safety; insecurity.
unsafety v. To remove the safety on a device, such as a weapon.
UNSAFETY n. lack of safety.
VOUTSAFEvoutsafe v. Obsolete form of vouchsafe.
VOUTSAFE v. (Milton) to vouchsafe.
WORKSAFEwork-safe adj. (Internet) That can be viewed from one’s workplace without the risk of disciplinary action; not graphic…
WORKSAFE adj. (of an internet link etc.) suitable for viewing in the workplace because of an absence of pornographic content.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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