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There are 20 seven-letter words containing SUI

CASUISTcasuist n. (Ethics) A person who resolves cases of conscience or moral duty.
casuist n. Someone who attempts to specify exact and precise rules for the direction of every circumstance of behaviour.
casuist n. One who is skilled in, or given to, casuistry.
CATSUITcatsuit n. A tight-fitting one-piece women’s garment, covering the legs, arms and torso.
CATSUIT n. a type of one-piece trouser suit.
DRYSUITdrysuit n. An inflatable suit to provide thermal insulation to the wearer and keep them dry while immersed in water.
DRYSUIT n. a close-fitting air- and watertight synthetic suit for wearing in esp. cold water, that retains warmth by a layer of air, and allows clothing to be worn underneath it.
ENSUINGensuing v. Present participle of ensue.
ensuing adj. Refers to the actions, consequences, and repercussions which result from some prior stimulus or event.
ENSUE v. to follow, also ENSEW.
ENSUITEensuite n. A private bathroom connected to a bedroom, as in an apartment or hotel room.
ensuite adj. (Of a bathroom etc.) Connected to a bedroom.
ensuite adj. (Of a bedroom etc.) Connected to a ensuite bathroom.
GYMSUITGYMSUIT n. a costume worn for gymnastics.
ISSUINGissuing v. Present participle of issue.
issuing n. The act by which something is issued.
issuing n. That which issues from a source.
LAWSUITlawsuit n. (Law) In civil law, a case where two or more people disagree and one or more of the parties take the…
law␣suit n. Archaic form of lawsuit.
LAWSUIT n. a legal action.
MISSUITmissuit v. (Transitive) To fail to suit.
MISSUIT v. to suit badly.
NONSUITnonsuit n. (Law) A lawsuit that is dismissed as having been brought without cause, prior to an adjudication on the merits.
nonsuit n. (Law) A neglect or failure by the plaintiff to follow up his suit; a renunciation or withdrawal of the…
nonsuit v. (Law, transitive) To dismiss (a suit or plaintiff) on the grounds of his or her lawsuit having been…
PURSUITpursuit n. The act of pursuing.
pursuit n. A hobby or recreational activity, done regularly.
pursuit n. (Cycle racing) A discipline in track cycling where two opposing teams start on opposite sides of the…
SUICIDEsuicide n. (Uncountable) Intentional killing of oneself.
suicide n. (Countable) A particular instance of a person intentionally killing themself, or of multiple people doing so.
suicide n. (Countable) A person who has intentionally killed themself.
SUIDIANSUIDIAN adj. belonging to the pig family.
SUIDIAN n. a member of the pig family, also SUID.
SUIPLAPSUIPLAP n. (South African) a drunkard.
SUITERSsuiters n. Plural of suiter.
Suiters prop.n. Plural of Suiter.
SUITER n. a special suitcase for holding suits.
SUITINGsuiting v. Present participle of suit.
suiting n. Fabric for making suits.
SUITING n. fabric for making suits.
SUITORSsuitors n. Plural of suitor.
suitors v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of suitor.
SUITOR v. (archaic) to be or act as a suitor.
SUNSUITsunsuit n. A costume designed to protect a child from the sun.
SUNSUIT n. an outfit worn for sunbathing.
UNSUITSunsuits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unsuit.
UNSUIT v. to make unsuitable.
WETSUITwetsuit n. A close fitting, insulating garment usually made from neoprene or similar material designed to keep…
wet␣suit n. Alternative form of wetsuit.
WETSUIT n. a close-fitting rubberlike suit worn in cold water by skin divers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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