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There are 19 seven-letter words containing SIV

ABUSIVEabusive adj. Prone to treat someone badly by coarse, insulting words or other maltreatment; vituperative; reproachful; scurrilous.
abusive adj. (Obsolete) Tending to deceive; fraudulent.
abusive adj. (Archaic) Tending to misuse; practising or containing abuse.
AMUSIVEamusive adj. (Obsolete) Illusive, deceitful.
amusive adj. (Now rare) Giving entertainment or interest; recreative, diverting, engaging.
amusive adj. (Now rare) Amusing, humorous.
CORSIVEcorsive adj. (Obsolete) Corrosive.
corsive n. (Medicine, obsolete) A corrosive.
corsive n. (Obsolete) Something damaging or annoying; an inconvenience, an evil.
CURSIVEcursive adj. Running; flowing.
cursive adj. (Of writing) Having successive letters joined together.
cursive adj. (Grammar) Of or relating to a grammatical aspect relating to an action that occurs in a straight line…
ELUSIVEelusive adj. Evading capture, comprehension or remembrance.
elusive adj. Difficult to make precise.
elusive adj. Rarely seen.
EROSIVEerosive adj. Of or pertaining to erosion.
erosive adj. Causing or tending to cause erosion.
EROSIVE adj. causing erosion.
ESSIVESessives n. Plural of essive.
ESSIVE n. a grammatical case denoting a state of being.
EVASIVEevasive adj. Tending to avoid speaking openly or making revelations about oneself.
evasive adj. Directed towards avoidance or escape; evasive action.
EVASIVE adj. tending to evade.
FISSIVEfissive adj. Of or pertaining to fission.
FISSIVE adj. pertaining to nuclear fission.
JUSSIVEjussive n. (Grammar, uncountable and countable) The jussive mood, a verb inflection used to indicate a command…
jussive n. (Arabic grammar) A verbal mood of vague or miscellaneous senses, occurring after some particles and…
jussive adj. (Grammar) Of or in the jussive mood.
MASSIVEmassive adj. Very large in size or extent.
massive adj. Very large or bulky and heavy and solid.
massive adj. (Informal) To a very great extent; total, utter.
MISSIVEmissive n. (Formal) A written message; a letter, note or memo.
missive n. (In the plural, Scotland, law) Letters sent between two parties in which one makes an offer and the other accepts it.
missive n. (Obsolete) One who is sent; a messenger.
PASSIVEpassive adj. Being subjected to an action without producing a reaction.
passive adj. Taking no action.
passive adj. (Grammar) Being in the passive voice.
PENSIVEpensive adj. Having the appearance of deep, often melancholic, thinking.
pensive adj. Looking thoughtful, especially from sadness.
PENSIVE adj. engaged in deep thought.
PLOSIVEplosive n. (Phonetics) Sound produced from opening a previously closed oral passage.
plosive adj. (Phonetics) Produced from opening a previously closed oral passage.
PLOSIVE n. an explosive (sound), as p.
SUASIVEsuasive adj. (Archaic) Having power to persuade; persuasive.
SUASIVE adj. persuasive.
TENSIVEtensive adj. Of or pertaining to tension.
TENSIVE adj. causing tensity.
TORSIVEtorsive adj. Relating to torsion; twisting.
TORSIVE adj. twisted.
TUSSIVEtussive adj. (Medicine) Related to, caused by, or accompanied by a cough.
TUSSIVE adj. relating to a cough, also TUSSAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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