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There are 10 seven-letter words containing SIB

FUSIBLEfusible adj. Able to be fused or melted.
fusible n. Any substance that can be fused or melted.
FUSIBLE adj. capable of being fused.
FUSIBLYfusibly adv. In a fusible manner.
FUSIBLE adv. capable of being fused.
GOSSIBSgossibs n. Plural of gossib.
GOSSIB n. a gossip, someone who talks idly about others' affairs.
RISIBLErisible adj. Of or pertaining to laughter.
risible adj. Provoking laughter; ludicrous; ridiculous; humorously insignificant.
risible adj. (Of a person) Easily laughing; prone to laughter.
RISIBLYrisibly adv. In a risible manner.
RISIBLE adv. provoking laughter.
SIBLINGsibling n. A person who shares a parent; one’s brother or sister who one shares a parent with.
sibling n. (Computing theory) A node in a data structure that shares its parent with another node.
sibling n. (Taxonomy) The most closely related species, or one of several most closely related species when none…
SIBSHIPsibship n. All the siblings of a family.
SIBSHIP n. kinship.
SIBYLICsibylic adj. Alternative form of sibyllic.
SIBYLIC adj. of or like a sibyl, also SIBYLLIC, SIBYLLINE.
VISIBLEvisible adj. Able to be seen.
VISIBLE adj. able to be seen.
VISIBLE n. a visible thing.
VISIBLYvisibly adv. In a visible manner; openly.
VISIBLE adv. able to be seen.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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