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There are 16 seven-letter words containing SEP

ASEPSESasepses n. Plural of asepsis.
ASEPSIS n. (Greek) freedom from blood poisoning.
ASEPSISasepsis n. (Pathology) The state of being free from sepsis.
asepsis n. (Pathology) The process of removing pathogenic organisms or protecting against such organisms.
ASEPSIS n. (Greek) freedom from blood poisoning.
ASEPTICaseptic adj. Free of disease-causing microbes.
aseptic adj. (Medicine) Used to protect against infection by disease-causing microbes.
aseptic adj. (Food industry) pasteurised.
JOSEPHSjosephs n. Plural of joseph.
Josephs n. Plural of Joseph.
JOSEPH n. a caped overcoat worn by women in the 18th century for riding.
SEPALEDsepaled adj. (Botany) Having one or more sepals.
SEPALED adj. having a sepal.
SEPHENSSEPHEN n. (Arabic) a large stingray of the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea.
SEPPUKUseppuku n. A form of ritual suicide by disembowelment using a blade, practiced by Japanese samurai, especially…
SEPPUKU n. (Japanese) a form of ritual suicide by cutting open the stomach.
SEPTAGEseptage n. (North America) The partially treated waste stored in a septic tank.
SEPTAGE n. the waste in a septic tank.
SEPTATEseptate adj. Of, pertaining to, or divided by a septum.
septate v. To form a septation.
SEPTATE adj. having a septum.
SEPTETSseptets n. Plural of septet.
SEPTET n. a group of seven, also SEPTETTE, SEPTUOR.
SEPTICSseptics n. Plural of septic.
Septics n. Plural of Septic.
SEPTIC n. an agent producing sepsis.
SEPTIMEseptime n. (Fencing) The seventh defensive position, with the sword hand held at waist height, and the tip of the…
SEPTIME n. the seventh parrying position in fencing.
SEPTUMSseptums n. Plural of septum.
SEPTUM n. (Latin) a dividing membrane or partition.
SEPTUORseptuor n. (Music) Synonym of septet.
SEPTUOR n. a group of seven, also SEPTET, SEPTETTE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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