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There are 16 six-letter words containing SEX

SEXERSsexers n. Plural of sexer.
SEXER n. one who sexes fowls.
SEXFIDsexfid adj. (Botany) cleft into six.
SEXFID adj. cleft in six.
SEXIERsexier adj. Comparative form of sexy: more sexy.
SEXY adj. arousing sexual desire.
SEXILYsexily adv. In a sexy manner.
SEXY adv. arousing sexual desire.
SEXINGsexing v. Present participle of sex.
sexing n. The determination of the sex of a young bird (typically poultry).
SEXING n. as in nuclear sexing, testing a person's sex by examining cells taken from inside the cheek.
SEXISMsexism n. The belief that people of one sex or gender are inherently superior to others.
sexism n. Discrimination or different treatment (e.g. in job opportunities) based on sex or gender.
sexism n. Attitudes or actions that are based on or promote the expectation that people adhere to stereotypical…
SEXISTsexist n. A person who discriminates on grounds of sex; someone who practises sexism.
sexist adj. Unfairly discriminatory against one sex in favour of the other.
SEXIST n. one who practices sexism.
SEXPOTsexpot n. (Informal) A sexy person.
SEXPOT n. a sexually attractive woman.
SEXTANsextan adj. (Obsolete, medicine) That recurs on the sixth day.
sextan n. (Obsolete, medicine) A fever that recurs every sixth day.
SEXTAN n. a recurrent malarial fever.
SEXTEDsexted v. Simple past tense and past participle of sext.
SEXT v. to send a text message of a sexual nature.
SEXTETsextet n. Any group of six people or things.
sextet n. (Music) A composition for six voices or instruments.
sextet n. A group of six singers or instrumentalists.
SEXTONsexton n. A church official who looks after a church building and its graveyard and may act as a gravedigger and bell-ringer.
sexton n. A sexton beetle.
Sexton prop.n. A surname originating as an occupation.
SEXTOSsextos n. Plural of sexto.
SEXTO n. (Latin) a paper size, also SIXMO.
SEXUALsexual adj. Arising from the fact of being male or female; pertaining to sex or gender, or to the social relations…
sexual adj. (Biology) Capable of sexual reproduction; sexed, sexuate.
sexual adj. Pertaining to sexual intercourse or other intimate physical contact.
UNISEXunisex adj. Not distinguished on the basis of sex or gender; suitable for any sex or gender.
unisex adj. (Dated) Of or pertaining to only one sex or gender; unisexual.
unisex n. The state of not being distinguished on the basis of sex or gender; the state of being suitable for any sex or gender.
UNSEXYunsexy adj. Not sexy.
unsexy adj. (Of research etc) Perceived as not having wide contemporary interest; plodding.
UNSEXY adj. not sexy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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