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There are 12 six-letter words containing SEM

SEMBLEsemble v. (Obsolete) To imitate; to make a representation or likeness.
semble v. (Law, third-person singular only) It seems; it appears that.
semble adj. (Obsolete) Like; resembling.
SEMEEDseméed adj. Alternative form of semé.
SEMEED adj. in heraldry, strewn or scattered with small bearings, also SEME, SEMEE.
SEMEIAsemeia n. Plural of semeion.
SEMEION n. (Greek) in ancient prosody, one of the two divisions of a foot.
SEMEMEsememe n. (Linguistics) The smallest unit of meaning; especially, the meaning expressed by a morpheme.
SEMEME n. the smallest unanalysable unit of linguistic meaning (e.g. a word or affix).
SEMENSsemens n. Plural of semen.
SEMEN n. (Latin) the liquid that carries spermatozoa.
SEMIESSEMIE n. at Scottish universities, a second-year student.
SEMINASEMEN n. (Latin) the liquid that carries spermatozoa.
SEMMITSEMMIT n. (Scots) a vest or undershirt.
SEMPERsemper- pref. Always, unvarying.
SEMPER adj. (Latin) always.
SEMPLEsemple adj. Simple; low-born; of mean birth.
Semple prop.n. A surname.
SEMPLE adj. (Scots) of humble birth.
SEMPREsempre adv. (Music, as a qualifier) always, still; maintaining the same style.
SEMPRE adv. (Italian) in the same manner throughout (a musical direction).
SEMSEMSEMSEM n. (Arabic) an East Indian plant, also SESAME, TEEL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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