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There are 10 six-letter words containing SCL

MASCLEmascle n. (Historical) A lozenge-shaped piece of metal, used in making scale mail.
mascle n. (Heraldry) A lozenge with a smaller lozenge-shaped hole in the centre.
MASCLE n. a diamond-shaped plate or scale.
MUSCLEmuscle n. (Uncountable) A contractile form of tissue which animals use to effect movement.
muscle n. (Countable) An organ composed of muscle tissue.
muscle n. (Uncountable, usually in the plural) A well-developed physique, in which the muscles are enlarged from exercise.
MUSCLYmuscly adj. Thewy, muscled.
muscly adj. (Figuratively) Strong, powerful.
MUSCLY adj. of a muscular build, also MUSCLEY.
SCLAFFsclaff n. (Golf) A poor golf shot, where the club hits the ground before it hits the ball.
sclaff n. (Scotland) A slight blow; a slap; a soft fall; also, the accompanying noise.
sclaff n. A thin, solid substance, especially a thin shoe or slipper.
SCLATEsclate v. Obsolete form of slate. (cover with slates)
sclate n. Obsolete form of slate.
SCLATE n. (Scots) slate.
SCLAVESclave n. Archaic form of Slav.
SCLAVE n. (obsolete) a slave.
SCLERAsclera n. (Anatomy) The white of the eye; the tough outer coat of the eye that covers the eyeball except for the cornea.
SCLERA n. (Greek) the outermost membrane of the eyeball.
SCLEREsclere n. (Zoology) A skeletal element in sponges.
SCLERE n. a sponge spicule.
SCLIFFSCLIFF n. (Scots) a small segment or piece, also SKLIFF.
SCLIMSSCLIM v. (Scots) to climb, also SKLIM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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