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There are 5 six-letter words containing SBA

BUSBARbusbar n. An electrical conductor that carries a large current, especially one that is part of a power distribution…
bus␣bar n. Alternative spelling of busbar.
BUSBAR n. an electric conductor connecting various circuits.
CASBAHcasbah n. The fortress in a city in North Africa or the Middle East.
casbah n. (By synecdoche) The medina, the older part of a city in North Africa or the Middle East.
casbah n. (Slang) A person’s house or flat/apartment.
DISBARdisbar v. (Law, transitive) To expel from the bar, or the legal profession; to deprive (an attorney, barrister…
disbar v. (Transitive) To exclude (a person) from something.
DISBAR v. to expel from the legal profession.
GASBAGgasbag n. A bag or bladder to hold a reservoir of gas, as in a hot-air balloon.
gasbag n. (By extension) A lighter-than-air aircraft; a balloon or dirigible.
gasbag n. (Figuratively) A person who is overly garrulous or prone to making empty, unsupportable statements; a windbag.
KASBAHkasbah n. Alternative spelling of casbah.
KASBAH n. (Arabic) the old section of a North African city, also CASBAH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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