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There are 8 five-letter words containing SUM

ADSUMADSUM interj. (Latin) I am here (answering a roll call).
CUSUMCUSUM n. (Statistical quality control) cumulative sum control chart: a sequential analysis technique typically…
CUSUM n. a statistical technique that attempts to identify individuals by their characteristic use of language.
SUMACsumac n. Any of various shrubs or small trees of the genus Rhus and other genera in Anacardiaceae, particularly…
sumac n. Dried and chopped-up leaves and stems of a plant of the genus Rhus, particularly the tanner’s sumac…
sumac n. A sour spice popular in the Eastern Mediterranean, made from the berries of tanner’s sumac.
SUMISSUMI n. (Japanese) a type of black Japanese ink.
SUMMAsumma n. A comprehensive summary of, or treatise on a subject, especially theology or philosophy.
summa n. (Figuratively) A culmination or archetypal example.
Summa prop.n. A surname from Italian.
SUMOSsumos n. Plural of sumo.
SUMO n. (Japanese) a form of wrestling.
SUMPHsumph n. (Scotland, Northern England) A dunce; a blockhead.
sumph n. Obsolete form of sump (“lowest part of a mineshaft, into which water drains”).
SUMPH n. (Scots) a dunce, a blockhead.
SUMPSsumps n. Plural of sump.
sumps v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sump.
SUMP n. a low area serving as a drain.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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