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There are 11 five-letter words containing SIS

APSISapsis n. (Architecture) A recess or projection, with a dome or vault, at the east end of a church; an apse.
apsis n. (Astronomy) Either of the points in the elliptical orbit of a planet or comet where it is closest or…
APSIS n. (Latin) the point at which a heavenly body is most or least distant from the centre of attraction.
ARSISarsis n. (Music) The stronger part of a musical measure: the part containing the beat.
arsis n. (Poetry) The stronger part of a metrical foot: the part containing the long (heavy) syllable in quantitative…
arsis n. (Music) The elevation of the hand, or that part of the bar at which it is raised, in beating time; the…
BASISbasis n. A physical base or foundation.
basis n. A starting point, base or foundation for an argument or hypothesis.
basis n. An underlying condition or circumstance.
DESISdesis n. Plural of desi.
Desis n. Plural of Desi.
-desis suff. (Medicine) Binding, fusion.
LYSISlysis n. (Medicine, pathology) A gradual recovery from disease (opposed to crisis).
lysis n. (Biochemistry) The disintegration or destruction of cells.
lysis n. (Biochemistry) The breakdown of molecules into constituent molecules.
OASISoasis n. A spring of fresh water, surrounded by a fertile region of vegetation, in a desert.
oasis n. (Figuratively) A quiet, peaceful place or situation separated from surrounding noise or bustle.
Oasis prop.n. A census-designated place in Riverside County, California, United States.
SISALsisal n. A Central American plant, Agave sisalana, cultivated for its sword-shaped leaves that yield fibers used for rope.
sisal n. The fibre of the plant.
sisal n. (Rare) A sisal mat.
SISESsises n. Plural of sis.
SIS n. (short for) sister, also SISS.
SISSYsissy n. (Derogatory, colloquial) An effeminate boy or man.
sissy n. (Derogatory, colloquial) A timid, unassertive or cowardly person.
sissy n. (BDSM) A male crossdresser who adopts feminine behaviours.
SISTAsista n. (AAVE) Pronunciation spelling of sister.
SISTA n. an African-American woman.
SISTSsists n. Plural of sist.
SIST v. to stay, as judicial proceedings; to delay or suspend.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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