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There are 6 five-letter words containing SIM

SIMARsimar n. (Now rare, historical) A woman’s loose, long dress or robe; sometimes specifically, an undergarment or chemise.
simar n. (Obsolete) A light covering; a cloak or mantle.
simar n. (Christianity) A type of ecclestiastical vestment, similar to a cassock.
SIMASsimas n. Plural of sima.
Simas prop.n. Plural of Sima.
SIMA n. the oceanic crust; also the lower layer of the continental crust, so called because it is enriched in silica and magnesium oxide.
SIMBASimba prop.n. The Western Bolivian Guaraní language, ISO language code GNW.
Simba prop.n. A male given name from Swahili.
SIMBA n. (Swahili) a lion.
SIMISsimis n. Plural of simi.
Simis prop.n. Plural of Simi.
SIMI n. (Swahili) in Africa, a short two-edged sword or large knife.
SIMPSsimps n. Plural of simp.
Simps prop.n. (Fandom slang) The television programme The Simpsons.
SIMPs n. Plural of SIMP.
SIMULsimul n. (Gaming) A simultaneous exhibition: one player, typically very strong, plays several games at the same…
SIMUL n. (short for) a simultaneous, a display in which a player plays a number of games of chess simultaneously against different opponents.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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