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There are 17 five-letter words containing SIL

BASILbasil n. A plant (Ocimum basilicum).
basil n. The leaves of this plant used as a herb.
basil n. Any other species in the genus Ocimum.
ESILEESILE n. (obsolete) sour wine resembling vinegar, also EISEL, EISELL.
FUSILfusil n. (Heraldry) A bearing of a rhomboidal figure, originally representing a spindle in shape, longer than…
fusil n. (Now historical) A light flintlock musket or firelock.
fusil adj. Obsolete spelling of fusile.
SILDSsilds n. Plural of sild.
SILD n. (Norwegian) herring, esp. canned, lightly smoked herring imported from Scandinavia.
SILEDsiled v. Simple past tense and past participle of sile.
SILE v. to strain, also SEIL.
SILENSILEN n. a woodland god or elderly satyr, also SILENUS.
SILERSiler prop.n. A surname.
SILER n. a strainer.
SILESsiles n. Plural of sile.
SILE v. to strain, also SEIL.
SILEXsilex n. (Archaic) Flint.
silex n. A finely ground relatively pure form of silicas used as a paint filler etc.
Silex n. (Dated) A vacuum coffee maker.
SILKSsilks n. Plural of silk.
silks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of silk.
Silks prop.n. Plural of Silk.
SILKYsilky adj. Similar in appearance or texture (especially in softness and smoothness) to silk.
silky adj. Smooth and pleasant; seductive.
silky adj. (Botany) Covered in long, slender, glistening hairs pressed close to the surface; sericeous.
SILLSsills n. Plural of sill.
Sills prop.n. Plural of Sill.
SILL n. a part of a window.
SILLYsilly adj. Laughable or amusing through foolishness or a foolish appearance.
silly adj. (Chiefly Scotland, obsolete) Blessed, particularly…
silly adj. (Now chiefly Scotland and Northern England, rare) Pitiful, inspiring compassion, particularly…
SILOSsilos n. Plural of silo.
SILO v. to store in a large cylindrical structure.
SILTSsilts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of silt.
SILT v. to fill with a fine sediment.
SILTYsilty adj. Having a noticeable amount of silt.
silty adj. Resembling or characteristic of silt.
SILTY adj. full of silt.
SILVAsilva n. (Forestry) The forest trees of a particular area.
Silva prop.n. A surname.
SILVA n. (Latin) the forest trees of an area, also SYLVA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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