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There are 6 four-letter words containing SIL

SILDsild n. Any young herring (other than a sprat), especially if canned and processed in Scandinavia for sale as a sardine.
SILD n. (Norwegian) herring, esp. canned, lightly smoked herring imported from Scandinavia.
SILEsile n. (Now chiefly dialectal) A column; pillar.
sile n. (Now chiefly dialectal) A beam; rafter; one of the principal rafters of a building.
sile n. (Now chiefly dialectal) The foot or lower part of a couple or rafter; base.
SILKsilk n. (Chiefly uncountable) A fine fiber excreted by the silkworm or other arthropod (such as a spider).
silk n. A fine, soft cloth woven from silk fibers.
silk n. Anything which resembles silk, such as the filiform styles of the female flower of maize, or the seed…
SILLsill n. (Architecture, also "window sill") A breast wall; window breast; horizontal brink which forms the base of a window.
sill n. (Construction) A threshold; horizontal structural member of a building near ground level on a foundation…
sill n. (Geology) A stratum of rock, especially an intrusive layer of igneous rock lying parallel to surrounding strata.
SILOsilo n. (Agriculture) A vertical building, usually cylindrical, used for the production of silage.
silo n. (Agriculture) from the shape, a building used for the storage of grain.
silo n. (Military) An underground bunker used to hold missiles which may be launched.
SILTsilt n. (Uncountable) Mud or fine earth deposited from running or standing water.
silt n. (Uncountable, by extension) Material with similar physical characteristics, whatever its origins or transport.
silt n. (Countable, geology) A particle from 3.9 to 62.5 microns in diameter, following the Wentworth scale.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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