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There are 13 fifteen-letter words containing SPA

DISPARATENESSESdisparatenesses n. Plural of disparateness.
DISPARATENESS n. DISPARATE, unequal, essentially unlike.
DISPASSIONATELYdispassionately adv. In a dispassionate manner.
DISPASSIONATE adv. not influenced by strong feeling.
PROTOSPATHAIRESPROTOSPATHAIRE n. (historical) the captain of the guards at Byzantium, also PROTOSPATAIRE, PROTOSPATHARIUS.
PROTOSPATHARIUSprotospatharius n. Alternative form of protospatharios.
PROTOSPATHARIUS n. (historical) the captain of the guards at Byzantium, also PROTOSPATAIRE, PROTOSPATHAIRE.
SEMITRANSPARENTsemitransparent adj. Allowing some visibility but partially clouded or obscured; translucent.
semi-transparent adj. Alternative spelling of semitransparent.
SEMITRANSPARENT adj. imperfectly transparent.
SPATIALISATIONSspatialisations n. Plural of spatialisation.
SPATIALISATION n. the process of causing something to occupy space or assume some of the properties of space, also SPATIALIZATION.
SPATIALIZATIONSspatializations n. Plural of spatialization.
SPATIALIZATION n. the process of causing something to occupy space or assume some of the properties of space, also SPATIALISATION.
TRANSPARENTISEDtransparentised v. Simple past tense and past participle of transparentise.
TRANSPARENTISE v. to make transparent, also TRANSPARENTIZE.
TRANSPARENTISEStransparentises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of transparentise.
TRANSPARENTISE v. to make transparent, also TRANSPARENTIZE.
TRANSPARENTIZEDtransparentized v. Simple past tense and past participle of transparentize.
TRANSPARENTIZE v. to make transparent, also TRANSPARENTISE.
TRANSPARENTIZEStransparentizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of transparentize.
TRANSPARENTIZE v. to make transparent, also TRANSPARENTISE.
TRANSPARENTNESStransparentness n. The state or quality of being transparent; transparency.
TRANSPARENTNESS n. the state of being transparent.
UNSPARINGNESSESUNSPARINGNESS n. the state of being unsparing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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