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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing SIP

DESIPRAMINESdesipramines n. Plural of desipramine.
DESIPRAMINE n. a tricyclic antidepressant.
DISSIPATEDLYdissipatedly adv. In a dissipated manner.
DISSIPATED adv. DISSIPATE, to scatter or disperse.
DISSIPATIONSdissipations n. Plural of dissipation.
DISSIPATION n. the act of dissipating.
ERYSIPELASESerysipelases n. Plural of erysipelas.
ERYSIPELAS n. a febrile disease accompanied with a diffused inflammation of the skin, aka St Anthony's Fire.
ERYSIPELOIDSERYSIPELOID n. an infective dermatitis mainly affecting the hands.
FISSIPALMATEFISSIPALMATE adj. of some birds' feet, partially webbed, having lobes and fringes on separate toes.
FISSIPARISMSFISSIPARISM n. the state of being fissiparous.
GOSSIPMONGERgossipmonger n. A person who spreads gossip.
GOSSIPMONGER n. one who spreads gossip.
INSIPIDITIESinsipidities n. Plural of insipidity.
INSIPIDITY n. the state of being insipid, also INSIPIDNESS.
KINESIPATHICkinesipathic adj. Of or relating to kinesipathy.
KINESIPATHIC adj. relating to kinesiatrics, a method of treating disease by means of exercises or gymnastic movements.
RESIPISCENCEresipiscence n. (Chiefly literary) Repentance; recognition of a past mistake, especially with a desire to improve in the future.
RESIPISCENCE n. recognition of error; change to better frame of mind, also RESIPISCENCY.
RESIPISCENCYRESIPISCENCY n. recognition of error, change to a better frame of mind, also RESIPISCENCE.
SCISSIPARITYscissiparity n. (Biology) reproduction by fission.
SCISSIPARITY n. reproduction by fission.
SIPHONOPHOREsiphonophore n. (Zoology) Any of various transparent marine hydrozoans, of the order Siphonophorae, that float or swim…
SIPHONOPHORE n. a marine creature, colonial in habit.
SIPHONOSTELEsiphonostele n. (Botany) A type of stele in which the vascular tissue in the stem forms a cylinder surrounding a central…
SIPHONOSTELE n. the cylinder of conducting tissue surrounding a central core of pith in certain stems.
SIPUNCULOIDSsipunculoids n. Plural of sipunculoid.
SIPUNCULOID n. a kind of marine worm with a retractile proboscis, also SIPUNCULID.
THERMOSIPHONthermosiphon n. An arrangement of siphon tubes for assisting circulation in a liquid.
THERMOSIPHON n. a method of circulating a cooling liquid through a system by using the slight difference in density between the hot and cool parts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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