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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing SET

CHEESETASTERCHEESETASTER n. a long hollow tool for taking a sample from the inside of a cheese.
EQUISETIFORMequisetiform adj. (Botany) Having the form of the Equisetum.
EQUISETIFORM adj. having the form of an equisetum, a horsetail.
FILMSETTINGSfilmsettings n. Plural of filmsetting.
FILMSETTING n. setting by a process of typesetting.
MARQUISETTESmarquisettes n. Plural of marquisette.
MARQUISETTE n. a sheer fabric of cotton, rayon, silk, or nylon.
MINICASSETTEminicassette n. A small cassette for use with a tape player, cassette player, or dictation machine.
MINICASSETTE n. a small tape cassette for use in a handheld tape recorder.
MOUSETRAPPEDmousetrapped v. Simple past tense and past participle of mousetrap.
MOUSETRAP v. to catch in a mousetrap.
PACESETTINGSPACESETTING n. the act of setting a pace.
PHOTOSETTERSphotosetters n. Plural of photosetter.
PHOTOSETTER n. an apparatus for photosetting.
PHOTOSETTINGphotosetting v. Present participle of photoset.
PHOTOSETTING n. composing (matter) by projecting film from which a printing plate is made.
PHOTOTYPESETphototypeset v. (Transitive) To typeset by a phototypesetting process.
PHOTOTYPESET v. to set (type matter) by phototypesetting.
RESETTLEMENTresettlement n. The transportation of a group of people to a new settlement.
RESETTLEMENT n. the act of resettling.
SOMERSETTINGsomersetting v. Present participle of somerset.
SOMERSET v. to make a leap in which a person turns his heels over his head and lights upon his fee, also SOMERSAULT, SUMMERSAULT, SUMMERSET.
SUMMERSETTEDsummersetted v. Simple past tense and past participle of summerset.
TRENDSETTERStrendsetters n. Plural of trendsetter.
TRENDSETTER n. one that sets a trend.
TRENDSETTINGtrendsetting adj. Taking a leading role in setting trends, particularly in business or the arts.
TRENDSETTING n. the setting of a trend.
TYPESETTINGStypesettings n. Plural of typesetting.
TYPESETTING n. the act of setting type.
UNDERSETTINGundersetting n. Something set or built under as a support; a pedestal.
UNDERSET v. to prop or support.
UNSETTLEMENTunsettlement n. The quality of being unsettled; upset or unrest.
unsettlement n. A illegal or unofficial settlement, or community of people living together.
UNSETTLEMENT n. an act, process, or instance of unsettling.
UNSETTLINGLYunsettlingly adv. In an unsettling manner.
UNSETTLING adv. disconcerting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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