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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing SEI

ANISEIKONIASaniseikonias n. Plural of aniseikonia.
ANISEIKONIA n. a visual condition where image, shape, and size differ in each eye.
MESSEIGNEURSmesseigneurs n. (Archaic) plural of monseigneur.
Messeigneurs n. Plural of Monseigneur.
MONSEIGNEUR n. (French) a French title of respect given to princes and prelates.
MICROSEISMICmicroseismic adj. Describing any small seismic event that causes little or no damage or disturbance.
MICROSEISMIC adj. relating to a microseism, a small earth tremor, also MICROSEISMICAL.
MONSEIGNEURSmonseigneurs n. Plural of monseigneur.
Monseigneurs n. Plural of Monseigneur.
MONSEIGNEUR n. (French) a French title of respect given to princes and prelates.
SEIGNIORAGESseigniorages n. Plural of seigniorage.
SEIGNIORAGE n. a government revenue from the manufacture of coins calculated as the difference between the monetary and the bullion value of the silver contained in silver coins.
SEIGNIORALTYseignioralty n. The territory or authority of a seignior, or lord.
SEIGNIORSHIPseigniorship n. The role or status of seignior.
SEIGNIORSHIP n. the office of seignior.
SEISMICITIESseismicities n. Plural of seismicity.
SEISMICITY n. the degree of vulnerability to earthquakes.
SEISMOGRAPHSseismographs n. Plural of seismograph.
SEISMOGRAPH n. an instrument for recording earthquakes.
SEISMOGRAPHYseismography n. The measurement and recording of earthquakes and other ground vibrations.
seismography n. The study of these records, seismology.
SEISMOGRAPHY n. measurement by use of the seismograph.
SEISMOLOGIESSEISMOLOGY n. the study of earthquakes.
SEISMOLOGISTseismologist n. A person who is skilled at, professes, or practices seismology.
SEISMOLOGIST n. one who studies earthquakes.
SEISMOMETERSseismometers n. Plural of seismometer.
SEISMOMETER n. an instrument for measuring earthquake intensity.
SEISMOMETRICseismometric adj. Of or pertaining to seismometry.
SEISMOMETRIC adj. relating to measurement by seismometer, also SEISMOMETRICAL.
SEISMONASTICseismonastic adj. Of or relating to seismonasty.
SEISMONASTIC adj. relating to seismonasty, response to mechanical shock.
SEISMOSCOPESseismoscopes n. Plural of seismoscope.
SEISMOSCOPE n. an instrument for detecting earthquakes.
SEISMOSCOPICseismoscopic adj. Relating to the seismoscope.
SEISMOSCOPIC adj. pertaining to a seismoscope, an instrument for detecting earthquakes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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