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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing SAP

DISAPPEARINGdisappearing v. Present participle of disappear.
disappearing n. Disappearance.
DISAPPEAR v. to vanish from sight.
DISAPPOINTEDdisappointed adj. Defeated of expectations or hope; experiencing disappointment; let down.
disappointed adj. Expressing or indicating disappointment.
disappointed v. Simple past tense and past participle of disappoint.
DISAPPROVALSdisapprovals n. Plural of disapproval.
DISAPPROVAL n. censure, disapprobation.
DISAPPROVERSdisapprovers n. Plural of disapprover.
DISAPPROVER n. one who disapproves.
DISAPPROVINGdisapproving v. Present participle of disapprove.
DISAPPROVING adj. passing unfavorable judgment on.
MISAPPRAISALmisappraisal n. A bad or inaccurate appraisal.
MISAPPRAISAL n. a wrong appraisal.
MISAPPREHENDmisapprehend v. (Transitive) To interpret incorrectly; to misunderstand.
MISAPPREHEND v. to apprehend wrongly.
SAPIENTIALLYsapientially adv. In a sapiential manner.
SAPIENTIAL adv. providing wisdom.
SAPINDACEOUSsapindaceous adj. (Botany) Of or pertaining to the Sapindaceae, an order of trees and shrubs.
SAPINDACEOUS adj. belonging to the Sapindus genus of plants, including soapwort.
SAPONIFIABLEsaponifiable adj. Suitable for use in soap production.
saponifiable adj. (Organic chemistry, of a lipid) That can be saponified.
SAPONIFIABLE adj. capable of being converted into soap.
SAPROLEGNIASSAPROLEGNIA n. any fungus of the genus Saprolegnia, one species of which grows on diseased salmon and was formerly thought to be the cause of the disease.
SAPROPELITESSAPROPELITE n. coal formed of sapropel.
SAPROPHAGOUSsaprophagous adj. Feeding on dead or decaying organic matter.
SAPROPHAGOUS adj. feeding on decaying material.
SAPROPHYTISMsaprophytism n. The condition of being saprophytic.
SAPROPHYTISM n. being a saprophyte.
SAPROTROPHICsaprotrophic adj. Of or pertaining to saprotrophs (or saprobes).
SAPROTROPHIC adj. of or like a saprotroph.
SARSAPARILLAsarsaparilla n. Any of various tropical (Central and South) American vines of the genus Smilax, such as Smilax aspera…
sarsaparilla n. The dried roots of these plants, or a flavoring material extracted from these roots.
sarsaparilla n. A beverage (soft drink) flavored with this root, such as root beer.
SOUSAPHONISTsousaphonist n. Someone who plays the sousaphone.
SOUSAPHONIST n. one who plays the sousaphone.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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