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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing SFE

COTRANSFERScotransfers n. Plural of cotransfer.
COTRANSFER n. a transfer jointly with another.
DISFEATUREDdisfeatured v. Simple past tense and past participle of disfeature.
DISFEATURE v. to deprive of features; to mar the features of, also DEFEATURE.
DISFEATURESdisfeatures v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disfeature.
DISFEATURE v. to deprive of features; to mar the features of, also DEFEATURE.
MISFEASANCEmisfeasance n. (Law) An actual or alleged wrong that arises from an action; often, the wrongful use of legal authority.
MISFEASANCE n. the performance by a public official of an act that is legally unjustified, harmful, or contrary to law; wrongdoing (used especially of an act in violation of a public trust), also MALFEASANCE.
MISFEATUREDmisfeatured adj. Having ugly or misshapen features.
MISFEATURED adj. ugly, ill-favoured.
MISFEATURESmisfeatures n. Plural of misfeature.
MISFEIGNINGMISFEIGN v. (Spenser) to feign with evil intent.
RETRANSFERSretransfers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of retransfer.
RETRANSFER v. to transfer again.
TRANSFECTEDtransfected v. Simple past tense and past participle of transfect.
transfected adj. Infected with nucleic acid.
TRANSFECT v. to cause transfection in, the infection of a cell with pure viral nucleic acid.
TRANSFERALStransferals n. Plural of transferal.
TRANSFERAL n. the act of transfer, also TRANSFERRAL.
TRANSFERASEtransferase n. (Biochemistry) Any of various enzymes that catalyze the transfer of a functional group, such as amine…
TRANSFERASE n. an enzyme that promotes transfer of a group from one molecule to another.
TRANSFEREEStransferees n. Plural of transferee.
TRANSFEREE n. the person to whom a transfer in made.
TRANSFERORStransferors n. Plural of transferor.
TRANSFEROR n. one who transfers.
TRANSFERRALtransferral n. Alternative spelling of transferal.
TRANSFERRAL n. the act of transfer, also TRANSFERAL.
TRANSFERREDtransferred v. Simple past tense and past participle of transfer.
TRANSFER v. to move from one place to another.
TRANSFERRERtransferrer n. A person who, or thing that transfers.
TRANSFERRER n. one who transfers.
TRANSFERRINtransferrin n. (Biochemistry) A glycoprotein, a beta globulin, in blood serum that combines with and transports iron.
TRANSFERRIN n. a beta globulin in blood plasma capable of combining with ferric ions and transporting iron in the body.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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