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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing SBA

AMPHISBAENAamphisbaena n. (Mythology) A mythical serpent having a head at each end of its body, able to move in either direction.
amphisbaena n. A member of a genus of lizards, native to the Americas, having extremities which are very similar.
Amphisbaena prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Amphisbaenidae – worm lizards.
CANVASBACKScanvasbacks n. Plural of canvasback.
CANVASBACK n. a species of duck, so named from the markings of the plumage on its back.
CROSSBANDEDcrossbanded v. Simple past tense and past participle of crossband.
cross-banded adj. Alternative spelling of crossbanded.
CROSSBANDED adj. of a handrail, having the grain of the veneer run across that of the rail.
CROSSBARREDcrossbarred adj. Secured by, or furnished with, crossbars.
crossbarred adj. Made or patterned in lines crossing each other.
CROSSBAR v. to fasten with crossarms.
DISBANDMENTdisbandment n. The act of disbanding.
DISBANDMENT n. the act of disbanding.
DISBARMENTSdisbarments n. Plural of disbarment.
DISBARMENT n. the act of disbarring.
HUSBANDAGESHUSBANDAGE n. the commission or compensation allowed to a ship's husband.
HUSBANDLANDhusbandland n. (Historical) The landholding of a husbandman, that is, a manorial tenant.
husbandland n. (Historical) A unit of land corresponding to a single farmstead; around 26 acres.
HUSBANDLAND n. a manorial tenant's holding; two oxgangs.
HUSBANDLESShusbandless adj. Without a husband.
HUSBANDLESS adj. without a husband.
HUSBANDLIERHUSBANDLY adj. of or like a husband.
HUSBANDLIKEhusbandlike adj. Resembling a husband.
HUSBANDLIKE adj. like a husband.
HUSBANDRIEShusbandries n. Plural of husbandry.
HUSBANDRY n. the business of a farmer; economical management.
MISBALANCEDmisbalanced v. Simple past tense and past participle of misbalance.
MISBALANCE v. to balance mistakenly.
MISBALANCESmisbalances v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misbalance.
misbalances n. Plural of misbalance.
MISBALANCE v. to balance mistakenly.
UNHUSBANDEDunhusbanded adj. Without a husband; not married.
UNHUSBANDED adj. not husbanded.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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