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There are 16 ten-letter words containing SEF

CEASEFIRESceasefires n. Plural of ceasefire.
cease-fires n. Plural of cease-fire (alternative form of ceasefires).
cease␣fires n. Plural of cease fire (alternative form of ceasefires).
DISEASEFULdiseaseful adj. Abounding with disease; producing diseases.
diseaseful adj. (Obsolete) Causing uneasiness.
DISEASEFUL adj. (obsolete) causing uneasiness.
FALSEFACESfalsefaces n. Plural of falseface.
false␣faces n. Plural of false face.
FALSEFACE n. a mask.
GOOSEFLESHgooseflesh n. Alternative spelling of goose flesh.
goose␣flesh n. Synonym of goose bump.
GOOSEFLESH n. a knobbly, pimply condition of the skin, like that of a plucked goose or other fowl due to erection of hairs through cold, horror, etc.
GOOSEFOOTSgoosefoots n. Plural of goosefoot.
GOOSEFOOT n. a genus of herbs, mostly annual weeds.
HORSEFLESHhorseflesh n. The flesh of a horse; horsemeat.
horseflesh n. Horses collectively, with reference to driving, riding, or racing.
horseflesh n. A species of Bahama mahogany, Lysiloma sabicu and Lysiloma latisiliquum.
HORSEFLIEShorseflies n. Plural of horsefly.
horse-flies n. Plural of horse-fly.
horse␣flies n. Plural of horse fly.
HOUSEFLIEShouseflies n. Plural of housefly.
HOUSEFLY n. a common fly.
HOUSEFRONThousefront n. The front of a house, the side that faces the street.
HOUSEFRONT n. the facade of a house.
PAUSEFULLYpausefully adv. In a pauseful manner; with pauses.
PAUSEFUL adv. full of pauses.
PROMISEFULpromiseful adj. Full of promise for the future; promising.
PROMISEFUL adj. full of promise.
PURPOSEFULpurposeful adj. Having purpose; intentional.
purposeful adj. Having a purpose in mind; resolute; determined.
PURPOSEFUL adj. showing purpose.
REMORSEFULremorseful adj. (Of a person) Feeling or filled with remorse.
remorseful adj. Expressing or caused by remorse.
REMORSEFUL adj. motivated or marked by remorse.
ROSEFISHESrosefishes n. Plural of rosefish.
rose␣fishes n. Plural of rose fish.
ROSEFISH n. a large marine food fish, aka bergylt.
UNUSEFULLYunusefully adv. In an unuseful manner.
UNUSEFUL adv. not useful.
USEFULNESSusefulness n. The quality or degree of being useful.
USEFULNESS n. the state of being useful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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