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There are 13 words containing RONICALL

ACRONICALLYACRONICAL adv. occurring at nightfall or sunset, (esp. of the rising or setting of stars), also ACRONIC, ACRONYCAL, ACRONYCHAL.
ANACHRONICALLYanachronically adv. In an anachronic manner.
ANACHRONICAL adv. out of (chronological) order; out of date, also ANACHRONIC.
ANIMATRONICALLYanimatronically adv. By means of animatronics.
ANIMATRONIC adv. relating to animatronics.
CHRONICALLYchronically adv. In a chronic manner, or to a chronic degree.
chronically adv. Extremely.
CHRONICAL adv. chronic, long-lasting.
DIACHRONICALLYdiachronically adv. In a diachronic fashion, or in diachronic terms.
DIACHRONIC adv. of the study of a subject (esp. a language) through its historical development, as opposed to synchronic.
ELECTRONICALLYelectronically adv. By means of electronics, or of electronic technology.
ELECTRONIC adv. of or relating to electrons.
HYDRONICALLYhydronically adv. In terms of, or by means of, hydronics.
HYDRONIC adv. pertaining to heating and cooling by water.
IRONICALLYironically adv. (Manner) In an ironic manner; in a way displaying irony.
ironically adv. (Evaluative) Used to draw attention to an ironic aspect of a situation being described.
IRONICAL adv. pertaining to irony, also IRONIC.
MACARONICALLYmacaronically adv. In a macaronic way.
MACARONIC adv. mixing words from different languages, esp. Latin with vernacular or Latinized vernacular words.
MORONICALLYmoronically adv. In a moronic manner.
MORONIC adv. like a moron.
OXYMORONICALLYoxymoronically adv. In an oxymoronic manner.
oxymoronically adv. With regard to, or using oxymorons.
OXYMORONIC adv. of or like an oxymoron, an apparent paradox achieved by the juxtaposition of words which seem to contradict one another.
SYNCHRONICALLYsynchronically adv. In a synchronic way; at the same time.
SYNCHRONICAL adv. concerned with the study of a subject (esp. a language) at a particular period, without considering the past or the future, also SYNCHRONIC.
UNIRONICALLYunironically adv. In an unironic manner; without irony.
UNIRONIC adv. not ironic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 37 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
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