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There are 18 words containing REGISTRA

DEREGISTRATIONderegistration n. Removal of registration, especially…
DEREGISTRATION n. the act of deregistering.
DEREGISTRATIONSderegistrations n. Plural of deregistration.
DEREGISTRATION n. the act of deregistering.
MISREGISTRATIONmisregistration n. Incorrect registration (in any sense).
MISREGISTRATION n. a wrong registration.
PREREGISTRATIONpreregistration n. An early registration, before the normal or traditional time, as with early online check-in at hotels.
preregistration n. Registration (of a study design) before a clinical trial (or any other type of scientific experiment)…
preregistration adj. Before registration.
REGISTRABLEregistrable adj. Able or needing to be registered.
REGISTRABLE adj. capable of being registered, also REGISTERABLE.
REGISTRANTregistrant n. One who registers something or is registered.
REGISTRANT n. a person who registers, or has registered (a trademark, etc.).
REGISTRANTSregistrants n. Plural of registrant.
REGISTRANT n. a person who registers, or has registered (a trademark, etc.).
REGISTRARregistrar n. An official keeper or recorder of records.
registrar n. A doctor receiving advanced specialist training in some countries in order to become a consultant.
registrar n. (Internet) a service that manages domain names.
REGISTRARIESregistraries n. Plural of registrary.
REGISTRARY n. a registrar.
REGISTRARSregistrars n. Plural of registrar.
REGISTRAR n. a middle-ranking hospital doctor undergoing training as a specialist or consultant.
REGISTRARSHIPregistrarship n. The office or position of a registrar.
REGISTRARSHIP n. the office of registrar.
REGISTRARSHIPSregistrarships n. Plural of registrarship.
REGISTRARSHIP n. the office of registrar.
REGISTRARYregistrary n. The chief administrative officer of Cambridge University.
registrary n. (Obsolete) A registrar.
REGISTRARY n. a registrar.
REGISTRATIONregistration n. (Uncountable) The act of signing up or registering for something.
registration n. (Countable) That which registers or makes something official, e.g. the form or paper that registers.
registration n. (Uncountable) Alignment, e.g. of colors or other elements in a printing process.
REGISTRATIONALregistrational adj. Relating to registration.
REGISTRATIONAL adj. relating to registration.
REGISTRATIONSregistrations n. Plural of registration.
REGISTRATION n. the act of registering.
REREGISTRATIONreregistration n. A second or subsequent registration.
REREGISTRATION n. the act of reregistering.
REREGISTRATIONSreregistrations n. Plural of reregistration.
REREGISTRATION n. the act of reregistering.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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