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There are 13 words containing RUSTICA

RUSTICALrustical adj. Rustic.
RUSTICAL n. a rustic.
RUSTICALLYrustically adv. In a rustic manner.
RUSTICANARUSTICANA n. objects such as agricultural implements, garden furniture etc. made in the rustic style.
RUSTICATErusticate v. (Transitive, Oxbridge, Durham University) To be suspended or expelled temporarily from the university…
rusticate v. (Transitive) To construct in a manner so as to produce jagged or heavily textured surfaces.
rusticate v. (Transitive) To compel to live in or to send to the countryside; to cause to become rustic.
RUSTICATEDrusticated v. Simple past tense and past participle of rusticate.
rusticated adj. Constructed in a manner so as to produce a jagged or heavily textured surface.
RUSTICATE v. to send into the country; to banish to rural areas.
RUSTICATESrusticates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rusticate.
RUSTICATE v. to send into the country; to banish to rural areas.
RUSTICATINGrusticating v. Present participle of rusticate.
RUSTICATING n. the act of rusticating.
RUSTICATINGSRUSTICATING n. the act of rusticating.
RUSTICATIONrustication n. The act of rusticating (intransitive verb sense).
rustication n. The act of being rusticated (transitive verb sense).
rustication n. (UK, military) The process of posting a person or relocating a unit from London (or a command HQ) to…
RUSTICATIONSrustications n. Plural of rustication.
RUSTICATION n. the action of banishing, or the state of being banished, into the country.
RUSTICATORrusticator n. The instigator or perpetrator of rustication.
RUSTICATOR n. one who rusticates.
RUSTICATORSrusticators n. Plural of rusticator.
RUSTICATOR n. one who rusticates.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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