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There are 16 words containing ROSTRAT

ROSTRATErostrate adj. Having a process resembling the beak of a bird; beaked; rostellate.
rostrate adj. Furnished or adorned with beaks.
ROSTRATE adj. having a rostrum.
EROSTRATEerostrate adj. Not rostrate; lacking a beak.
EROSTRATE adj. without a beak.
PROSTRATEprostrate adj. Lying flat, face-down.
prostrate adj. (Figuratively) Emotionally devastated.
prostrate adj. Physically incapacitated from environmental exposure or debilitating disease.
ROSTRATEDrostrated adj. Rostrate.
ROSTRATED adj. beak-shaped, also ROSTRATE.
BIROSTRATEbirostrate adj. (Rare) Having two beaks (or beak-like structures).
BIROSTRATE adj. double-beaked.
PROSTRATEDprostrated v. Simple past tense and past participle of prostrate.
PROSTRATE v. to throw forward on the ground.
PROSTRATESprostrates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of prostrate.
PROSTRATE v. to throw forward on the ground.
CIRROSTRATIcirrostrati n. Plural of cirrostratus.
CIRROSTRATUS n. (Latin) a type of cloud.
PROSTRATINGprostrating v. Present participle of prostrate.
PROSTRATE v. to throw forward on the ground.
PROSTRATIONprostration n. The act or condition of prostrating oneself (lying flat), as a sign of humility.
prostration n. A part of the ordination of Catholic and Orthodox priests.
prostration n. Being laid face down (prone).
CIRROSTRATUScirrostratus n. (Meteorology) A principal high-level cloud type appearing as a whitish veil, usually fibrous but sometimes…
CIRROSTRATUS n. (Latin) a type of cloud.
LATIROSTRATElatirostrate adj. (Zoology) Having a broad bill.
LATIROSTRATE adj. having a broad beak, also LATIROSTRAL.
PROSTRATIONSprostrations n. Plural of prostration.
PROSTRATION n. the act of assuming a prostrate position.
CIRROSTRATIVEcirrostrative adj. Relating to, or characteristic of cirrostratus clouds.
CIRROSTRATIVE adj. of or like cirrostratus.
LAMELLIROSTRATELAMELLIROSTRATE adj. having transverse lamellae within the edge of the bill, also LAMELLIROSTRAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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