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There are 9 words containing ROMATIN

BROMATINGbromating v. Present participle of bromate.
BROMATE v. to combine with bromine.
CHROMATINchromatin n. (Biology) A complex of DNA, RNA and proteins within the cell nucleus out of which chromosomes condense…
CHROMATIN n. a protein/DNA complex making the chromosome.
ACHROMATINachromatin n. (Biology) Tissue that is not stained by fluid dyes.
ACHROMATIN n. tissue which is not stained by fluid dyes.
CHROMATINSchromatins n. Plural of chromatin.
CHROMATIN n. a protein/DNA complex making the chromosome.
ACHROMATINSachromatins n. Plural of achromatin.
ACHROMATIN n. tissue which is not stained by fluid dyes.
CHROMATINICchromatinic adj. Of or pertaining to chromatin.
CHROMATINIC adj. relating to chromatin.
EUCHROMATINeuchromatin n. (Genetics) uncoiled dispersed threads of chromosomal material that occurs during interphase; it stains…
EUCHROMATIN n. the part of chromatin that is genetically active and is largely composed of genes.
EUCHROMATINSeuchromatins n. Plural of euchromatin.
EUCHROMATIN n. the part of chromatin that is genetically active and is largely composed of genes.
HETEROCHROMATINheterochromatin n. (Cytology) Heterochromatic tightly coiled chromosome material; believed to be genetically inactive.
HETEROCHROMATIN n. densely staining chromatin that appears as nodules in or along chromosomes and contains relatively few genes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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