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There are 12 words containing RMONICA

ARMONICAarmonica n. A musical instrument made of blown-glass bowls mounted on a spindle turned originally by a foot pedal…
ARMONICA n. a kind of musical instrument.
ARMONICASarmonicas n. Plural of armonica.
ARMONICA n. a kind of musical instrument.
ENHARMONICALenharmonical adj. Alternative form of enharmonic.
ENHARMONICAL adj. relating to music constructed on a scale containing intervals of less than a semitone, also ENHARMONIC.
ENHARMONICALLYenharmonically adv. (Music) In an enharmonic manner.
ENHARMONICAL adv. relating to music constructed on a scale containing intervals of less than a semitone, also ENHARMONIC.
HARMONICAharmonica n. A musical wind instrument with a series of holes for the player to blow into, each hole producing a different note.
harmonica n. A musical instrument, consisting of a series of hemispherical glasses which, by touching the edges with…
harmonica n. A toy instrument of strips of glass or metal hung on two tapes, and struck with hammers.
HARMONICALharmonical adj. Alternative form of harmonic.
HARMONICAL adj. concordant; musical; as, harmonic sounds.
HARMONICALLYharmonically adv. In a harmonic manner.
HARMONICAL adv. concordant; musical; as, harmonic sounds.
HARMONICASharmonicas n. Plural of harmonica.
HARMONICA n. a mouth-organ; also, an instrument composed of a soundbox and hanging strips of glass or metal, struck by a hammer, also ARMONICA, HARMONICON.
INHARMONICALinharmonical adj. Alternative form of inharmonic.
INHARMONICAL adj. lacking harmony, inharmonious, also INHARMONIC.
PHYSHARMONICAPHYSHARMONICA n. an early form of harmonium.
PHYSHARMONICASPHYSHARMONICA n. an early form of harmonium.
SERMONICALsermonical adj. Sermonic.
SERMONICAL adj. like, or appropriate to, a sermon, also SERMONIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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