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There are 20 words containing RIPPING

DRIPPINGdripping n. Solid animal fat, traditionally collected from dripping off roasting meat.
dripping n. The sound or action of something that drips.
dripping n. The use of a drip tip to drip e-liquid directly onto the atomizer of an e-cigarette.
DRIPPINGSdrippings n. Plural of dripping.
DRIPPING n. fat from meat.
FIELDSTRIPPINGfieldstripping v. Present participle of fieldstrip.
field␣stripping v. Present participle of field strip.
FIELDSTRIP v. to take apart a weapon for routine cleaning etc.
GRIPPINGgripping adj. Which catches someone’s attention; exciting.
gripping v. Present participle of grip.
gripping n. The act of forming a grip.
GRIPPINGLYgrippingly adv. In a gripping manner.
GRIPPING adv. GRIP, to take hold of.
OUTSTRIPPINGoutstripping v. Present participle of outstrip.
outstripping n. The act or process of something being outstripped.
OUTSTRIP v. to go faster or further than.
OVERTRIPPINGovertripping v. Present participle of overtrip.
OVERTRIP v. to trip nimbly over.
RIPPINGripping v. Present participle of rip.
ripping adj. That rips, or can be removed by ripping.
ripping adj. (Dated, slang) Excellent.
RIPPINGLYrippingly adv. (Dated, slang) splendidly; very well.
RIPPING adv. excellent.
RIPPINGSrippings n. Plural of ripping.
RIPPING n. the act of copying a track from a CD.
ROUNDTRIPPINGroundtripping v. Present participle of roundtrip.
round-tripping v. Present participle of round-trip.
ROUNDTRIPPING n. a form of trading in which a company borrows a sum of money from one source and takes advantage of a short-term rise in interest rates to make a profit by lending it to another.
ROUNDTRIPPINGSROUNDTRIPPING n. a form of trading in which a company borrows a sum of money from one source and takes advantage of a short-term rise in interest rates to make a profit by lending it to another.
STRIPPINGstripping v. Present participle of strip.
stripping n. The act of one who strips.
stripping n. (Chemistry, engineering) A physical separation process where one or more components are removed from…
STRIPPINGSstrippings n. Plural of stripping.
strippings n. The last milk drawn from a cow at a milking.
STRIPPING n. the act of stripping.
TRIPPINGtripping v. Present participle of trip.
tripping adj. Quick; nimble; stepping lightly and quickly.
tripping adj. (Heraldry, not comparable) Having the right forefoot lifted, the others remaining on the ground, as…
TRIPPINGLYtrippingly adv. In a tripping manner, or while tripping.
trippingly adv. In a manner that is lively or fluid.
TRIPPINGStrippings n. Plural of tripping.
TRIPPING n. the act of one that trips.
UNRIPPINGunripping v. Present participle of unrip.
UNRIPPING n. the act of unripping.
UNRIPPINGSUNRIPPING n. the act of unripping.
UNSTRIPPINGunstripping v. Present participle of unstrip.
UNSTRIP v. (dialect) to strip.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 78 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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