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There are 13 words containing RINGENT

RINGENTringent adj. Having the semblance of lips parted wide, such as may be observed in certain flowers.
RINGENT adj. having gaping liplike parts such as the shells of certain bivalves.
STRINGENTstringent adj. Strict; binding strongly; making strict requirements; restrictive; rigid; severe.
STRINGENT adj. tight, binding, rigorous.
ASTRINGENTastringent n. A substance which draws tissue together, thus restricting the flow of blood.
astringent adj. Extremely sour, bitter.
astringent adj. Sharp, caustic, severe.
REFRINGENTrefringent adj. That refracts; refractive.
REFRINGENT adj. pertaining to, or possessing, refringency.
ASTRINGENTSastringents n. Plural of astringent.
ASTRINGENT n. an astringent agent or substance.
RESTRINGENTrestringent adj. (Obsolete) astringent; styptic.
restringent n. (Obsolete) A restringent medicine.
RESTRINGENT n. an astringent.
STRINGENTLYstringently adv. In a stringent manner.
STRINGENT adv. tight, binding, rigorous.
ASTRINGENTLYastringently adv. In the manner of an astringent.
ASTRINGENT adv. contracting, drawing together.
BIREFRINGENTbirefringent adj. Of or pertaining to birefringence.
birefringent adj. Having two refractive indices (depending on orientation).
BIREFRINGENT adj. relating to birefringence.
CONSTRINGENTconstringent adj. Having the quality of contracting, binding, or compressing.
CONSTRINGENT adj. tending to constringe.
RESTRINGENTSrestringents n. Plural of restringent.
RESTRINGENT n. an astringent.
STRINGENTNESSstringentness n. The state or quality of being stringent.
STRINGENTNESS n. the state of being stringent.
STRINGENTNESSESSTRINGENTNESS n. the state of being stringent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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